Friday, May 13, 2011

Days 210 - 212: Relax, prepare, wait


What a much needed time off the last weeks were.  I flew in to Chicago and sat around and did nothing for awhile.  As promised, I brought back some 80 degree weather for everyone who has been complaining about the awful spring they have been having.  I unpacked everything and got settled back in to the apartment in Chicago.  I spent the days hitting some balls at the range, joined a gym and hired a personal trainer for the summer.  I want to get back in to football shape, and I don't think it will happen without someone really pushing me.  Now that my wallet is pushing me, I am sure that I will utilize my personal trainer!
I headed home for mothers day and it was great to see the family, and be "home" again.  The place that is still closest to my true home.  There wasn't much relaxation however as the weekend was spent cleaning out the barn with my Dad and Chris and putting in the water toys and my grandparents dock.  It was great to see all of the grandparents and enjoy some good family time.  On the following Monday I took care of all of my physical check ups.  I went and saw the eye doctor, the doctor, and the dentist.  Two years after my eye surgery I still testes 20/15 vision, the doctor asked me a ton of questions and sent me on my way, and my streak is kept alive with zero cavities.  I am so thankful to have good health.
I planned to drive back to Chicago on Monday, but a pit stop in Kalamazoo to see old friend Pat Lefere turned in to a sleep over.  It was great to see him again, it has been way too long.  I hope that I am able to see him as well as other friends a lot more this summer.
Chicago was a quick turn around as I hopped back on the train on Wednesday to head to Grand Haven to get the big boat, Bonita, ready for another summer in the Great Lakes.

I left the boat in good shape last fall, which really helped my project list this spring.  We cleaned the entire inside of the boat, sanded and re-painted the stabilizer fins, and I did some fiberglass and gel coat work on the transom.  We tried to get moved up for a Friday morning launch but as 11:00 A.M rolled around we were still sitting in the barn.  The forecast changed drastically and unless we were already on our way to Chicago we were going to get stuck in five footers on the beam by the time we got to Chicago.  I looked at the forecast further and saw that it wasn't going to calm down again until late next week.  I made the call, let the owner know, and cancelled the launch all together.  My first mate, clint and I will be taking a bus back to Chicago this evening and will not be coming back until next week to try again.  It is a big bummer, and while it may seem like a waste of time, it was the right decision to make and we still did get a lot done.  I talked to my Dad this morning about the weather, and he was well aware of what was happening.  The statement "If you say let's go for it comes up, you are going to get in trouble" came to mind that he told me years ago as I set sail in to the open seas on a 34' sailboat.  It is a statement that I will never forget and it helped me make my decision today.

So, back to Chicago to wait for the weather!

Bonita Out (I almost wrote Sound Waves!)

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