Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 228 - 241: Slow start to the summer


Well the title of this blog says it all.  It has been a slow start to the summer.  The month of May was a disaster and it didn't warm up until Memorial Day.  We had great weather for about a week and now as we near the middle of June it barely broke 60 degrees today.  Due to this crazy weather my job has been very low key.  I have my projects as usual but with only a couple visits, and one dinner cruise, the inside of the boat simply requires a light dusting and that is that.  Don't get me wrong there is still a project list, but being that the boat is not being used as much as Sound Waves all winter there are not huge projects.  Still no word on our stabilizer pump issue, and I think that I am just going to have to replace the entire pump in the end, which will be such an enjoyable project...not.
The trip for this summer is starting to come together, but it appears as if it will be much shorter than the six week long trip last summer.  If the weather doesn't shape up we may not be going anywhere!

Due to the bad weather this weekend I have it off, and it has been spent playing some golf.  I broke two clubs in two days and I think that the old irons that I use are finally giving up.  It's too bad though because I just got them lengthened and re-griped.  Hopefully I don't have to buy a whole new set of irons, but I think it may be the best thing to do for the long run.  I have a feeling that I may keep breaking shafts throughout the summer and at $35 each to fix them, it could get just as expensive.

Bonita Out

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