Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 365: The final post


So it isn't officially the 365th day, but I think that happened awhile ago, and I must have been off on my math throughout the past year (what a surprise).

The final blog post comes a little by force, but it needs to be done.
Exactly one year ago today Sound Waves pulled back from the docks and headed south.  I would have been sitting in Hammond, IN tonight, anticipating tomorrows arrival to the rivers that would eventually lead us to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.

First off I have to say that the previous 365 days of my life have gone by way too fast.  I have seen some cool places, and learned a lot.  Most of all, I have met so many cool people that I will never forget.  From my yachting friends in Chicago, to the rivers, to Florida, to the Bahamas and back again.  After you sit somewhere for awhile you become more than a tourist, you start to blend in.  Specifically, Chicago, Sarasota, Key West, Ft. Lauderdale, and Staniel Cay.
What is the next step?  Well no one really knows.  With no boat heading south this winter, I plan to head to Europe for three weeks with Jessie.  After that, the gates are wide open.  Do I stay in the yachting industry?  Do I go back to my engineering degree?  Do I hang out all winter and wait for next spring and the 2012 Great Lakes cruising season?  Or do I win the lottery?  I am banking on the final option, so we will see what happens.

What an experience, it is something I will never forget and now will always have to look back on.  For now, base camp is again Chicago, and I would be lying if I said I didn't love it here.  Looking back, I'll never forget loosing the sky line on the horizon, clearing in to the muddy waters of the rivers and motoring under the chicago skyway as we pointed south, the locks of the rivers, and amazing small towns we saw on the way.  From Henry Illinois to Bobbie's Fish Camp in (Mississippi/Alabama) all the way to wild wild Key West and into the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas.  Spear fishing with Big Ben and Bushman and endless nights at the staniel cay yacht club.  Sailing in a Bahamian Regatta and ending it all in a heartbeat as the wheels lift off the run way in Great Exuma.  Cruising the Great Lakes, and seeing some of the most beautiful spots America has to offer.

365 days and a lifetime, the only question now, what adventure is next?  Well... I guess I know that answer...  three weeks in Europe!!

This is Captain Eric Adamczyk
Over and OUT

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