Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm Baaaackkk: From Steam to Sail


Let's catch up:
Well what a winter it was.  I was offered an engineering job in Chicago and it was just the right move so I said goodbye to the yachting industry....kind of.  Europe was amazing (absolutely amazing), winter was mild, blah blah we are supposed to be talking boating here: spring sprung, and I found myself back on The Bonita bringing her across the lake to Chicago.  As a favor, I offered my assistance to the owner as the family was still looking for my replacement.  It was great, my Dad came along to help out and we had a very interesting crossing, dodging squalls, etc...

So lets speed up here.  I really have always wanted to get involved with the sailboat race leagues here in Chicago but considering I was always boating for work I never had the time.  Well now that I have one of those boring jobs I have time to go sailing too!  Jessie's co-worker got me in touch with a boat that sails out of Montrose Harbor and they offered to take me sailing on Wednesday nights for the beer can league.  My first few races were spent on the rail as the skipper pondered where it was little ole Eric may fit in on board.  Before I knew it my butt was right next to him, my neck was cranked to the sky, and my mind had one focus; the mainsail...well more specifically: the mainsheet, the traveler, the outhaul, the downhaul, the backstay and the halyard tension.  Sail shape, telltales and battens oh my!!  I haven't looked back (down) since.  At first it was a fun and great way to break up the work week.  Then came our first distance race on a weekend and I said "eh what the heck, let's go sailing".  Then came another, destination overnight race.  "Eric can you race the Waukegan this weekend?"  What do I say?  "eh what the heck, let's go sailing."  Suddenly my Wednesday night league was turning into my hobby.  Who would have ever thought....boating and Eric might just find each other again.

We raced in one more overnight race, the Michigan City race, and before I knew what happened I was asking for three days off from work to race in the Chicago to Mackinac race.  That's where the story picks up again.........................

Back on track
It was hot.  Not a cloud in the sky, and other than the faint sea breeze, not a hint of wind.  We had just gotten back to the docks from the NOOD distance race.  We crossed the line second, reeled in a boat in the last 2 miles and passed them.  We were feeling pretty good.  Earlier in the year I told the skipper that there was no way I'd be able to race the Chicago to Mackinac and he simply replied "yeah, we are probably full anyway."  You know....seniority, I get it.  The cold beer went down easy as we all lounged back in the cockpit to discuss the days race.  Almost as casually as an invite like this could present itself a sentence came out that I wasn't expecting:  "Eric, will you race the Mackinac with us this year?  We'd love to have you."  The answer couldn't be yes right away, there were so many details to discuss, but it sure did put a smile on my face.  After being told that first year guys don't usually get asked to race the Mac it meant so much to me to receive the invite.  I guess the answer could have been yes right away, what was I going to say?  No?

The time has gone by so quickly since that invite and with only two days left until the starting gun goes off for my first Chicago to Mackinac race I couldn't be more excited.  It has been such a long time coming and so much fun getting involved again, helping prep the boat for the race, watching the weather patterns come and go, learning the strategies used for the race, and preparing myself to once again do some serious sailing.  We've gotten better as a team, we've had some good races, and we've had some really bad races.  The important part is that everyone is so positive about the race and win or loose it will still be an experience no one forgets.

Last night we all got together up at Montrose Harbor for a crew meet and greet.  The girlfriends, wives, and families came down with the crew and we hung out on board for awhile before heading up to the club for some dinner.  It was fun hearing the old stories of the Mac, the trials and tribulations of years past and history made.  Dinner was, as expected, enjoyed in good company and as goodbye's were made for the evening I think we all had a sense that, this is it, it's go time, it's finally almost here.  Friday will be spent attending a few meetings, enjoying the pre-race party down at Monroe Harbor/CYC and taking it all in.  Before bed Friday night my mind will make like a sponge and soak up as much weather information as it can hold and before we know it:
Warning gun!!!  Favor the pin lets get in on starboard.  Tack in 20.  One minute.  Let's focus, here we go.  Ready to tack.  Ready.  Helms lead.  45 seconds, we can go for it.  Stay high! Stay high!  Boat speed, trim, trim, trim.  30 seconds.  We're going to be early.  25 seconds.  Dump a little power.  20 seconds.  Go for it!!  We have the line go go go.  15 seconds, we're racing!!  Boat speed, stay high! Starboard!  10 seconds til the gun, length and a half.  5 seconds, go go go go go go trim hard, we've got the pole go go go!!!! 

(BOOM)..............................Mackinac here we come

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