Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fudge, Fudgies and horse poop oh my!

Mackinac Island

We barely beat the massive parade of boats coming down the straits and only had to wait about 45 minutes for docking instructions.  We later heard that some boats had to wait two hours to get a docking assignment.  All of the lines were secure and the boat was de-rigged in no time.  We were a well oiled machine.
Now what?
I thought to call all of my friends and family but felt overwhelmed by the task as e-mails and text messages flooded my phone once I turned it back on.  I wanted to take a shower, but knew the line was probably already a mile long.  I was getting kind of hungry, but there were far more exciting things to do than that.  We all had a beer, as we always do when we finish a race, and while it was tempting to continue on with the celebration it was also 9:30 in the morning.  Things down below could use some organizing, but there is always time for that later.  In the end we all just kind of sat there and took it all in.  It was just what everyone needed; to do nothing for a bit and just ...relax.

Exhaustion was really starting to kick in with everyone on board, it was easy to see.  Dumb jokes (not that we don't have those all the time!!!!), lots of laughs, crazy statements, and clumsy moves all made a cry to us to get some sleep.  It was getting hot, and if it were not for the stiff breeze coming through the harbor it would already be unbearable.  We all knew we needed food so we walked up to the island and got a bite to eat together.  Some pushed to head right to the pink pony after eating but mostly everyone headed for the rack to get some sleep.  I set an alarm for 4:30 my eyes closed and before I knew it my alarm was going off again.

Groggy, tired, hot, and thirsty my first thought was to get in the water and wake up.  I don't know if swimming was technically allowed or not (it usually isn't in harbors), but we weren't really in "harbor" and every single boat was swimming, going crazy, splashing around and having a good ole time.  Everyone's doing it why can't I right?  I quietly sank into the cold Lake Huron water and just sat suspended underwater for a bit.  Quiet and refreshing; it was what every man needs after an afternoon nap.  The line for the showers were still an hour or more wait so we grabbed some Palmolive dish soap and lathered up.  Hey mom, at least I gave an effort!  It actually freshened you up pretty nicely although I wouldn't suggest using dish soap every time you take a bath.

I made a few phone calls, got some ice for the boat, and got ready for the evening of activities.  One of the crew had a hotel at Lakeview and they were all hanging out on the 3rd floor balcony overlooking the harbor and Main Street.  Friends and family of the crew had a great setup with tables and appetizers and drinks for all.  We all enjoyed sitting around, unwinding from the race and poking fun at the mistakes and "serious" comments that were made during the race.  With our crew you have to be, well, secure with yourself.  We love to give each other a hard time in a fun-loving manner.  It keeps the morale up, and the laughs coming.

Dinner was great and the night went by like a blur, from the pink pony to horn's bar to the harbor to my pillow...well my bunched up blanket that I used as a pillow.  I got to see both my Uncle Dave and Uncle Eric quite a bit over the course of the evening which was great.  With so much commotion on the island I didn't think I would see them at all, but it was good to hang out and talk for awhile to both of them.

Being that we were rafted off with about 4 other boats you have to remember that morning comes early for some sailors, and unfortunately it always seems to be the heavy walkers that are outside of you on the raft.  To say the least, morning came early as giants barreled over our heads on the deck above making their way to the island for breakfast, coffee, newspaper, or whatever it is they do so early in the morning.  The first night in was such a great time, and the party was just getting started.

Runaway OUT

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