Sunday, July 22, 2012


We have so many pictures and I will add more as I enter in that part of the race, but here are some for now.  We are also making a video of our entire race.  Being that it was a fairly calm race it will probably be a combination of both pictures and videos.  But for now....enjoy!

Motoring out to the start line

First night sunset

Elizabeth trimming spinnaker

CYC Pre-race Party 

CYC Pre-Race Party

Working our way into a cold front boundary, which would later stall, become stationary and work it's way back north over us.

Kevin trimming spinnaker 

Kevin on the spinnaker 

Sunset first night

You're welcome Quantum Sails

One of my favorites 

A view from, well, outside the box 

Ahhh life on the forestay

Don't fall in!!!!!!

Down from the mainsail 

Out in front 

Leeward hull...boy who waxed that hull??? Lookin' good!!! :-) 

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