Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 183 & 184: All work, No Play


My posts have been a bit scatter brain and short so I am hoping I can slow everything down again and get back to writing.  I don't really have any pictures to take because I really haven't taken any.

Getting back to Staniel Cay was great, but the work has been stacking up.  I spent most of Monday morning ordering parts from the states hoping that I can get everything in and done before the weekend.  Our parts for the jet boat came in and right from the start I did not have a good feeling about it.  I am not going to get in to the details of the story as it is a bit of a mess but all in all everything that needed to get ordered to do the project right didn't.  I printed out the jet propulsion section of the shop manual but it pretty much got ignored for the first few hours.  Now as I write this blog early Wednesday morning we have half of a bearing assembly still in the old jet housing that should have come out as one piece.  We are hoping to find a press on the island somewhere that should solve our problems.  It really was a stateside project that hopefully can be completed in the islands.  What we are doing essentially is replacing the impeller and the wear ring.  Simple project right?  Well when you decide to replace the jet pump housing itself as well it gets a little more complicated.  Did I mention that when I woke up this morning I couldn't even get a full cup of coffee down before I was in frantic work mode?  Food didn't come until 8:00 P.M. that night....sooooo bad.  That won't be happening again, I can assure you that.

Monday night I got separated from the owner and his son somehow between showers and getting ready.  I walked up to the yacht club to wait for them and didn't see them again until later that night.  I ended up having a burger and it was good to talk to everyone in he yacht club.

Tuesday I woke up a little late but got right to work.  The owner ordered some more parts and then had a few of the local boys over for an afternoon party.  While they were on the fly bridge I cleaned up around the salon and galley and did some laundry.  I almost missed lunch again.  We got more parts in for the jet boat, but are still waiting on a few more.  The owner also ordered all new membranes and filters for the watermakers.  It just so happened that the guys who work for watermakers are on the island right now.  I became good friends with them the night before and the agreed to come take a look at the water maker with me.  Well it turns out that the water maker is working fine.  We increased the high pressure by 100 psi and were making 200ppm water in no time.  The indicator lights dropped over the course of an hour or so but our salinity meter held at 200ppm.  So that was a big waste of $2,000.  I am not convinced that the water maker is totally healthy and will continue to monitor it.  I will also be purchasing a pen tester for the boat so that we can test our own water.

Wednesday morning came early, but after a wonderful night watching John Q and answering e-mails I am ready for a productive day.  As Saturday quickly approaches and brings the arrival of my parents and Jessie I want to make sure I can get as much done as possible.  There is no wind right now, and dew still occupies the west facing windows.  Some rain squalls off in the distance remind me of an approaching front that I have been watching for some time now.  It is a weak front though and the winds are looking to be calm by Sunday.

Sound Waves Out

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