Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 189: Fun In the sun


Yesterday we got up and mom made her killer french toast.  Shortly after I packed the dinghy full of beer and sunscreen and we took off.  First we went over and snorkeled the thunderball grotto.  It was my parents first Exuma water experience and I think they were a little blown away by how clear the water was.  Down in the Caribbean is great but it is so shallow here, the colors on the water are always changing from white to green to blue and are always bright as can be.  After thunderball we headed north and zipped through Sampson Cay, then through Compass Cay north to the Rocky Dundas.  We tied up to the ball there and swam around.  We found a very cool sky lit cave.  Continuing north to Johnny Depp's island, Halls Pond.  That was our furthest stop north for the day.  We circled around the aquarium (snorkeling spot) and decided to stop and hang out in a little lagoon type cove that was pure sand and about 3 feet deep.  The rest of the afternoon was wasted away in waste deep water, picking up sand dollar after sand dollar with our toes.  It was a perfect day by all standards.

Today was a lazy day.  I rolled out of bed around 9:30.  It was great to have the relaxed feel around the boat.  We hung out for a bit and relaxed around the boat.  After a bit of lounging my parents, Jessie and I took a walk around the island.  We stopped at the isle general store, the pink store, and the blue store.  All three grocery stores in one day.  We got everything we needed and headed back to the boat to cook some burgers for lunch.  The governor general was here visiting and there was quite the commotion on the docks.  He is the equivalent to "Obama" in the states.  The owner and my parents went up and got some pictures of him.

After a good lunch we took a swim and went out to the reef that claims the bottom paint of so many boats that come in to these docks.  Jessie and I saw some busted off rudders, a prop with the prop nuts still on it (aka drive shaft came with it) and a really cool sea turtle!  After our swim we loaded up the dinghy and took off with the owner.  We ran up the creek by the airport and around the whole island.  After our Staniel Cay tour we took off back to the north.  We found another awesome beach and plopped down for the day. There was a little tide pool that ran the length of the sand bar and we just drifted up and down with a mask and snorkel on looking at nothing but sand and sea grass.  It was still so amazing.  The water put a swimming pool to shame.  I can't even begin to explain it.  Pictures to come.

The owners son went out fishing with Bushman all day and did not get back to the docks until about 7:00PM  The fish locker revealed a mess of red snapper and one grouper.  Dinner was set.  The owner cooked up the snapper and it was delicious.  The rest of the night was spent enjoying the underwater lights and telling stories.  My eyes are heavy, my skin is actually a little burnt despite my Bahamian tan I have been working on for months now, and I have to say that I will be sleeping good tonight.  Tomorrow we may move the boat, but other than that, our schedule is wide open!

The parents and I on the docks at Staniel Cay Yacht Club, watching a 130' leave the docks

Jessie inside the cave at The Rocky Dundas..perfect time of day for the light

Sunken airplane south of Little Halls Pond

One of the little pigs doing his best to get some scraps!

Hanging out around the Aquarium near Little Halls Pond...horrible day in paradise :-)

Our own private beach, wasting the day away near Little Pipe Cay

The "photo contest"

My dad's toes in the sand, Seven Seas in the background (Rumored to be Steven Spielberg's 282' yacht)

Toes in the water

Hanging out in the sand....three feet under water

Jessie catching some rays, mom in the way background exploring

One of my favorites.  Jessie and mom up top with a conch shell that is underwater on the bottom. (same picture, not photoshop :-))

Another one of my favorites.  Mom in the background

What we assumed to be the crew coming in on paddle boards getting some exercise.

Sound Waves Out!

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