Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 197 & 198: Flights are booked


Tuesday I worked on the owners iMac trying to sort out the 6,000 songs he got from the yacht clubs playlist.  I put playlists together and put them on his iPod, and did this, and did that.  It was a lot of staring at the computer and sorting to say the least.  To take a break from my headache that was beginning to form from looking at artist after artist I decided to replace the membranes on the water maker.  There are three membranes and they are mounted on the underside of the bench that holds filters and the high pressure pump.  Of course whoever installed it made sure to not make it easy to service.  I managed to drop the membranes down from the bench and disconnect everything.  I took the entire assembly to the dock and replaced the membranes where I had more working area.  That was the easy part.  Trying to re-connect everything and hold the three membranes (4 feet long, 3 feet wide, about 35 pounds) in place under the bench while putting washers and nuts on upside down was the challenging part.  I sweat out about 3 pounds of water and finally got everything back in to place.  I crossed my fingers and switched the water maker on.  No leaks.  I increased the pressure to 200 psi.  No leaks.  Up to 600 psi.  No leaks.  Up to 800 psi.  No leaks.  The sensor kicked on and in no time we were making perfect water.  I was two for two on projects for the week!!!  The macerator and the water maker were completed flawlessly.  I have to say I think I am getting better at this job!

Today I did some small projects and saw the owner and his girlfriend off in the dinghy for their adventure to the aquarium.  I hung out with the locals for most of the afternoon and occasionally paid a visit to the boat to do a chore or two.  The marina is packed and families are everywhere as Easter weekend approaches.  Fish and conch were being cleaned on the bench all day and I decided it was time to go in and hassle the sting ray and nurse sharks.  Some of the tourists gasped as I got in to the water with them but to everyones surprise I couldn't get a shark or a ray to get anywhere close to me unless I had a chunk of fish in my hand.  The sharks swam past as I ran my hand down their back and gently gave a tug on their tail.  Despite being nurse sharks I still made sure to keep tabs on every shark around me considering there was fish in the water.  I made sure to keep any sting ray that had barbs in them still away as well.  Some of the rays have lost their tails and I got a brave with them and almost had one out of the water in my arms (no stingers don't worry mom).

Today was supposed to be my last day at Staniel Cay before we left for Sampson and then Georgetown but the owner decided to stay one more day, as Sampson is full.  My flights are booked for May 1st back to Chicago and while it seems like it is basically over I was reminded that the two weeks I have left is more than most people spend down here on vacation and I still have a lot of time left!  It will fly by I'm sure!

Sound Waves Out

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