Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 193 & 194: Tired


Friday was a lazy day at Sampson Cay.  Jessie and I finally motivated (I finally motivated) to do something and by then the owner decided to just take the big boat out to a beach and anchor out.  It was a great quiet beach and very relaxing for a few hours.  After our evening activities on the beach we set the hook just off of Staniel Cay.  We had steaks on the boat and went in to the bar to see what was going on.  It was dead.  Jessie and I hung out for a bit and then we all went back to the boat.  The owner was already sleeping.  We had set the hook down right in an area where there was current and we were now facing the other way.  The owners son sat on the bow and told me that the anchor was slipping.  I couldn't decide whether I thought it was or not, but being that the owners son had the most prudent action I listened to him.  He woke up the owner and despite the anger of being woken up in the middle of the night, we made the right decision and moved to the dock.

Today Jessie and I were planning on going on a dive with Staniel Cay Divers.  Jake was busy with a private charter but finally told me a good dive site.  We picked up one tank for Jessie and took off in the dinghy.  It was in the same area as where we were snorkeling and besides the fear of sharks with just two of us out there it was a good dive.  We saw lionfish, lobster, a big grouper, and some chub.  We went and hung out on a beach for the rest of the afternoon before coming back to the boat to finish up some small chores.  Lunch up at the yacht club consisted of caesar salad, conch bites, and a burger.  With plans to go up to the bar after the owner cooked up some great snapper the night wilted away and nothing came out of it.  The owner had a great time and is working his way to bed right now.  He and Graham are discussing fishing tomorrow.  Conch diving in the morning, fishing in the afternoon....bummer

Sound Waves Out

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