Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 190: On the Move


We woke up to another perfect day in paradise.  Not a cloud in the sky, hardly a breath of wind and the temperature gauge already was reading in the 80's.  Shortly after some errands around the island we fired the engines to take a day trip up to Sampson Cay.  Jessie and I hopped in the dinghy to follow behind.  We followed the big boat for awhile and then decided to take our own path.  It didn't take long for everyone to realize the going the short distance to Sampson Cay would be wasting the day so we made the call to head further north to the aquarium.  Jessie and I took the inside route, weaving between islands and sand bars.  We met the big boat just west of the aquarium, helped set the anchor, and got ready to snorkel.  The aquarium is a nice snorkeling spot with a lot of coral and fish.  I managed to spot a lobster and a few lionfish.  Once back at the boat we cooked up some Italian Sausage on the grill for lunch.  The day was wasting away at just the right pace.
My Mom and Dad hopped in the dinghy for the trip back and we took the Sound back in the big boat.  The owners son and bushman were waiting and a small afternoon cocktail party began.  I gave the whole boat a fresh rinse and put away all of the snorkeling equipment from the days activities.  There was a fish carcass in the water near the boat and the nurse sharks and lemon sharks were very curious.  Again, the sun faded as the afternoon quietly came to an end.
Dinner up at the restaurant was good, but very slow as usual.  After dinner we hung out on the aft deck for awhile and I managed to spear a snapper in hopes that I could lure in a lemon shark in the process.  The fish flopped on the surface for awhile but my spear tip came unscrewed and the fish fell to the bottom.  To my surprise he managed to swim around for hours, despite the huge hole in the top of his head.  I am sure he did not make it through the night with all of the shark activity, but I do have to say nature is tough.  I don't think I could walk around with a 4 inch hole in the top of my head.

This morning I got out of bed a little late to the smell of bacon.  It was another perfect morning with barely a cloud in the sky.  Sandbars defined the channel in to the marina as low tide started the day.  I don't know if I will be able to handle 60 degree weather when I head back to the states in a month or so.

Sound Waves Out

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