Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 151: SCYC


Last night was a lot of fun.  We had dinner at 7:00 up at the yacht club.  If you have ever been to the Bahamas or other islands you will know how the dinners work around here.  We walk in and everyone is around the bar having drinks and chatting.  Someone rings a bell, we all cheer and just like that the bar is empty and everyone sits down for dinner.  We have to order before 5:00 and there is only one sitting for dinner.  Everyone eats at the same time and then thats it.  We hung out for the rest of the night at the bar, met some people that flew in on a Jimmy Buffet type waterplane and while we told them to come meet up with us today we never saw them.

The owner knows a lot of the locals and it was good to get to know a lot of them.  Wade is going to take us out to get conch and lobster then he takes us to the beach and makes us lunch.  I am really excited to do that someday soon.  A front just came through and while today was sunny the wind is still fairly strong.  Its looking like it is going to be pretty windy until Sunday.

Today we took the scooters around the island which is a pretty cool place.  Art Wertz (blackhawks and Binny's in Chicago) is building a house up on a hill and it was cool to run in to him today and see the house.  It is absolutely amazing.  The rest of the day was fairly lazy and other than crawling down in the rudder compartment to caulk up the wiring for the underwater lights not much got done.

Dinner at Staniel Cay Yacht Club is on the agenda again for tonight.
Just another day in paradise

Sound Waves Out

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