Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 165 & 166: Spearfishing with the big boys


Thursday started out just like any other day.  There were a few chores here and a few chores there.  Our friends Bushman and Big Ben were getting in their center counsel next to us to head out and do a little fishing.  The owner asked Ben and Bushman if they would take all of us with them.  I grabbed my gear and hopped on board.  We motored out in to the channel and to my surprise started heading for the Exuma Sound.  We were going out in to open water!  It was a bit rough and once we got in to about 30 ft. of water Ben, who is a huge human being, jumped in to the water.  He was using a Hookah diving system so he could go to the bottom and stay there while looking for fish and lobster.  A bit hesitant I finally plopped over board and in to the ocean.  My heart was racing a little bit as I checked my surroundings and got acquainted with the feeling of being in the open ocean with just a mask and snorkel on.  As I floated above Ben who was 30 feet below me I realized how small I am in this world.  Bobbing up and down in the waves looking into the blue abyss I was simply a grain of sand on all the beaches of the world.  I have never felt so small in my life.  As I snapped myself back to reality Ben released his spear into the rocks.  Suddenly he was gone too.  All I saw was his air hose and somehow this huge man went up under the coral to retrieve his catch.  Out he came with a lobster.  My job was to look for fish and to retrieve his catch.  I took my deep breaths of air and headed for the bottom.  Before I could get the lobster in the boat Ben was already stalking his next kill.  After one or two lobster or fish we grabbed on to lines that were hanging off the back of the boat and took off.  Ben and I flopped like rag dolls as the boat went from one spot to the next.  We didn't want to over harvest an area but we also stayed on the move because of sharks. They could sense our kill and unless we kept moving we would get paid a visit from a hungry shark.
This went on for about 4 hours and I must have made two dozen dives to the bottom, anywhere from 30 to 50 feet deep.  It was an absolute ball and besides my calves cramping up like rocks after 4 hours of snorkeling it was probably the most fun I have ever had in the islands.
Back at the docks Bushman cleaned the catch and gave us all seven lobster tails that I brought up that day.  They were super nice people and it has been so great to get to know them!
The bar was as busy as it has been as it was St. Patty's day and spring break was in full swing.  We are finally really getting to know a lot of people and it has been great to become friends with cruiser as well as the locals.

Friday the owner and his kids took off in the dinghy to go snorkel the Grotto and I actually got a lot of things done.  David, from the bar came by and helped us prepare our lobster tails from the day before.  I took some notes on his recipe and I am excited to try and make stuffed lobster tail next time we bring in a fresh catch.  The owner of the yacht club is here with a big crew and they came and had some drinks up on the fly bridge before heading back to shower for another night of fun.  Last night was busy but Friday was even more busy.  The band was rocking on the dock, the green flash seemed to elude me for yet another night as a cool northerly breeze took away the days heat.  Right now I call Staniel Cay my home, and I guess that isn't all too bad!

A lot of cool pictures to come soon!

Sound Waves Out

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