Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 157 & 158: Tidal Current


Tuesday night turned out to be a lot of fun.  Rock, the harbor master is good friends with the owner and we were hanging out with him at the bar.  We started conversation about the lemon shark that has been in the marina for a few months now.  He has tried to catch it but hasn't had any luck yet.  We decided to go back to the boat and see what we could catch.  We chummed the water and sure enough nurse sharks and lemon sharks came in to the glow of our underwater lights.  After about 30 minutes the owners son hooked the lemon shark.  What a fight!!!  It took off in to the middle of the harbor, turned, and swam right back at the boat.  Unfortunately it wrapped itself around a pylon and snapped the line.

Wednesday some guys from Big Sampson came down to help us with the cutlass bearing.  The owner and I turned on the Hookah Lines (Brownies Third scuba diving) and jumped in to help.  We spent over an hour working the bearing back in but did manage to fix it.  The sharks were very curious about the hammering noises we were making but never came very close to us.  While I was holding a block of wood it slipped and sliced my fingers.  I pulled a huge piece of wood out of my thumb and kept working.  The sharks did become much more active and more frequent passes, but nothing was aggressive and there was never a threatening situation.  The afternoon was spent napping and then we whipped up a good BBQ Chicken salad for dinner.
After dinner we heard some ruckus up at the bar and walked up to check it out.  There were a couple of people up there and they were all wasted.  One guy had a harmonica with him and it was fun to mess around with it and make up our own songs.  Back at the boat we chummed the water to watch the sharks again and a very large lemon shark (6-7 feet) came in.  It was really cool.

Thursday we took the big boat up to the aquarium for some snorkeling.  While we were en route I got all of the Brownie's Third Lung stuff laid out and everyones mask and snorkel ready to go.  We tried an unconventional method to anchoring as most big boats are supposed to pick up a mooring ball a mile or so away and then dinghy in.  The current was ripping and I was a little nervous to put people in the water.  I put out a 100 foot catch line just in case.  Sure enough we ended up having to launch the dinghy and go pluck people out of the water.  Everyone was safe and it was a less than pleasant afternoon at the aquarium.

Here are some pics!!!

Motoring up to Sampson Cay with VPR on the bow

Up on the bow watching for the nasty stuff that props don't get along with.  It was all beautiful

Spotted Eagle Ray taken somewhere between Staniel and Sampson

This appears to be a nurse shark.  

Sound Waves Out

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