Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 152: Compass Cay Day Trip


Today we were forced to move on the dock as they are doing some work on the docks and the barge had to come in to our slip.  The owner figured since we have to move we might as well go somewhere for the afternoon.  His brother was flying out of Staniel Cay the following morning so we couldn't go anywhere overnight.  We headed north to Compass Cay to see Tucker and have a great burger.  The wind was howling and we lost a bow cushion just before we turned in to the channel to Compass.  We got the cushion back and it was a good man overboard drill.  The channel was a bit tricky but we got to the dock O.K. and met back up with our old/new friends from Seque.  We walked down to the beach on the Exuma Sound side of the island and boy was it rough.  The burgers were good and the dinghy ride was fabulous.  We took the dinghy up to the north side of the island and went to the bubble pool and blow hole.  The windward side of the island was wicked but the leeward side of the island was calm.  We blew through the islands weaving in and out of sand bars and dodging coral heads.  A quick trip up a mangrove creek rounded out the day and we lifted the dinghy and headed for home (Staniel Cay).  The tide was out on the way out and I am pretty sure we tapped the bottom a few times.  The entire approach in to Staniel Cay was accomplished seeing 0.0 ft. on the depth sounder.  We never felt the boat hit but I wouldn't be surprised if the props got a little polished up in the sand.

The owners son and I washed the boat top to bottom as soon as we got back to the dock and then headed up to dinner at the yacht club.  We later took the scooters out for a ride and had a ball.  The runway was closed and riding up and down that was so much fun.  It was fun to cruise around the island and as soon as we were as far away from the little lights that there are on this island we shut the scooters off and stared at the stars.  With a new moon they were unbelievable.

Tomorrow the owners brother is leaving and his daughter is coming in so the morning will be spent turning rooms over and doing a little cleaning.  The wind is hopefully going to loosen its grip soon.

Sound Waves Out

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