Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 167 & 168: 007 Party!


Saturday things really started to get a little wild around here.  The bar is packed with people and the marina is full.  Tonight was the annual Thunderball 007 party at the yacht club.  The day was spent in anticipation for the night and not much was getting done.  Some people came and hung out on the fly bridge for awhile with the owner and we planned a little cocktail party before the big party.  The owner asked if I would put on my full uniform, not only for his cocktail party but for the 007 party as well.  I was either going to wear that or my wetsuit, and I wasn't too interested in wearing a hot wetsuit all night.  The cocktail party went well and we had a ton of food on board.  The owner of the yacht club was on board for awhile and it was heating up to be a crazy night.  And a crazy night it was.
It was like a busy night in Chicago.  I have started to make so many friends and it was so much fun to hang with all of the locals and some of the other crew that are here.

Sunday I was up fairly early and cleaned up from the night before.  The boat wasn't messy at all but it still just needed some general clean up.  The owner invited some of his new friends to come on board for a day trip.  We fired the engines around noon and took off.  The initial plan was to head up to the aquarium for some snorkeling.  It was pretty windy and fairly cold and after about an hour of cruising we decided that snorkeling wasn't going to happen today.  We decided to head to Compass Cay to hang out for the afternoon instead.  Upon arriving at the dock we got word via VHF that the docks were full.  We were 0 for 2.  Finally we motored back to Big Majors Spot and threw the hook.  We hung out for a few hours then took the boat back to Staniel Cay just after sunset.  The marina was empty, the bar was empty, and the island was suddenly back to normal again.  It was a pretty low key night and other than hanging out with the people from the boat next to us, Dolcetto, it was quiet night.

I'm trying to get some pictures up but the internet has been real bad.

Sound Waves Out

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