Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 173 - 179: Travel


With no internet over the past week it has been tough to keep up.  I am not even going to try and recap everyday.  Last week we spent a few more days at Sampson Cay.  The owners two sons and I still managed to find ourselves at Staniel Cay every night however.  With only a short dinghy ride and cautious, now somewhat local eyes and a very accurate gps it was no big deal.  Everyone except Dolcetto was still at Staniel and it was fun to hang out with them for the night.  We went spearfishing on Saturday by ourselves out in the Sound but had no luck.  The owners son had trouble staying down and we had trouble finding the right spots to look.  It was funny because later that night we saw Ben at Staniel Cay with 80-some lobster tails...haha.
After one of the owners sons left we took off for Georgetown.  It took about 2 and a half hours and we fueled up at Emerald Bay, just north of Georgetown.  The owner ran in to some old friends on a 130 Westport.  The Chat n Chill Bar on Stocking Island was having their weekly Sunday pig roast and we all decided to meet up there.  The pig roast was fun, but nothing special.  We stayed on a ball for the next few nights and not much was really going on.  The owners son and I took the dinghy all the way to the south end of Great Exuma and checked out some cool little spots.  A small tide pool was the temporary home to some crabs and it was fun to chase them around.

The owners son and I moved the boat over to the Exuma Docking Services Docks in Georgetown on Wednesday afternoon while the owner and his girlfriend were at Chat N' Chill.  We topped off the water tanks, being that our water maker has been acting up (I am hoping it is the water in Elizabeth Harbor) and got some things cleaned up for them.
Last night we took the scooters about 4 miles north to a really cool place on the bank side (west) of the island called Catch A Fire.  The food was great and it was a really cool place to eat.

Today the owners son and I washed, polished, waxed, and even painted the exhaust on the scooters and tore the whole grill apart and cleaned that.  We turned the VIP room as I am very anxiously awaiting the arrival of my parents and Jessie next week.  The owners girlfriend and the owner went back to Catch a Fire for dinner and as I type the owners son is cooking up a chicken teriyaki mmmmmmmmm.

Hopefully I will have more pictures in the future but with no guests on board I can't pirate anyones camera and I am always scared to take my phone with me on adventures.

Tomorrow we may head a little further down island to Clarence Town, Long Island.  As the owner left the boat for dinner he stated that Long Island is only 25 miles away and that is what we are doing tomorrow.  While his statement is true I looked at the charts and found that Clarence Town is actually 70 miles away.  I guess they call it Long Island for a reason.  So who knows what will happen after I deliver that information to him.  Check the SPOT!!!  The owners son and I are ready to move, but thats not my choice now is it :-).

Sound Waves Out.

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