Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 149 & 150: Paradise


We had the electrician look at the underwater lights early Tuesday morning in Nassau.  I found that we blew a solid state contactor but we brought him in just to confirm.  The electrician found a contactor that would do the job and replaced it for us.  Shortly after we pulled out of Hurricane Hole in Nassau, fueled up and left for Highbourne Cay.  It was a nice ride and the seas were fairly flat.  About 30 minutes out of Highbourne the owner found a coral head and dropped anchor.  He wanted to see if I could find any lobster and dive down with the spear and get some.  He and his brother and I all got in the water.  We were in about 20 feet of water and other than the small coral head the sandy bottom was as bare as a desert.
I dove down and looked around but other than getting looks from about five nurse sharks I did not spot any lobster.  We continued on our way and pulled in to Highbourne in late afternoon.

We took a golf cart around the island and there wasn't much to see.  You can tell that they are trying to develop the island for tourism however as the marina was very nice and they were building very nice cottages up on a hill.
That night we took the gulf cart to the middle of the island and shut the lights off.  The stars were incredible.  There was no moon and not a cloud in the sky.  The lights from Nassau were barely even visible on the horizon.  The stars dominated the sky.
We also ran in to the crew from the mega-yacht Seque.  They were very nice and it was good dock conversation.

On Wednesday we got up and took off for Staniel Cay.  The weather was already starting to turn as I was expecting a cold front to arrive later in the day.  The ride down to Staniel Cay was very nice and despite the increasing winds out of the northeast due to the approaching front the seas were calm as we were in the lee.  Shortly after arriving to Staniel Cay it got cloudy and we don't expect to see the sun again for a day or so.  The underwater lights are broken again, and while I am pretty sure I know what is wrong it will be until Saturday to get parts from the United States.

Sound Waves Out

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