Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 90 & 91: Miles!


It has been so long since the top of the blog didn't say Sarasota or something stupid like "In the Airplane".  It felt great to leave the docks.  We left Sarasota at 0800 on Wednesday morning with Naples locked in to the charts.  Due to rising fuel prices the owner wanted to take it slow so I kept it at 10 knots the entire way. It took us around 8 hours dock to dock but it was a pleasant ride as seas were calm.  Everything seemed O.K. with the bow thruster which is a great relief.  The owner invited some friends over that he knew lived in Naples.  He invited me to join them for dinner which was very nice of them.  We went to this lobster house right near the marina and it was funny because they were out of lobster...weird.  The party went in to the night but I turned in well before that.  That is about all of Naples that I saw.

On Thursday we woke up and were OTD at 0755, right on time.  Todays destination, Key West, FL.  It was gloomy today, but warmer.  The seas started off about the same as yesterday but on the port beam.  As we pulled away from shore and in to open water the seas built a little.  We decided to speed it up in order to make for a smoother ride.  When we pulled in to Key West there was a buzz.  Most marinas I've been to seem like ghost towns 90% of the time.  As soon as we got in to the channel there were little boats buzzing in front of us, tour sailboats on both beams, a snorkeling boat splitting the difference.  The only thing missing was a giant cruise ship (which is now at the dock as I write this blog on Friday morning).  Once inside the bight the action picked up.  Bars scattered the shoreline and every one had some sort of live music coming out of it.  As we passed boats we picked up different tunes that were coming from each boat.  Everyone was on their boats waiting for the much anticipated happy hour.  The traffic in the marina was worse than the Dan Ryan Expressway in Chicago during rush hour.  It was great.  Finally a place that is alive!  Shortly after arriving to the dock we launched the tender as well as both scooters.  I gave the bow of the boat a fresh water rinse down and finished a few other chores.  The owner then invited me to go for a dinghy ride with him.  Every corner we went around was packed with sailboats on the hook.  Every anchorage was packed.  Looking back in to the marina looked like a big messy pile of fiberglass as the boats to our port and starboard are only a foot away being that there are no finger piers.  The street performers were in full swing up on shore as we cruised by.  I think I'm in love with this place.
The owner again invited me to join them for dinner at the A&B Lobster House right at the end of the dock.  It was a fine dining place and wow was it good.  I had the seared Yellowfin Tuna, and it was the most amazing dish ever.  After dinner we took a stroll down Duval St., which is where all the action will be on New Years Eve, and I broke off from the group and did my own thing for the rest of the night.  Despite working and hanging out in good ole Saugatuck, MI in my lifetime, last night was the first time ever that someone came right out and asked me straight up:  "So are you gay or what?".  Key West is a very gay friendly community, but that one caught me off guard haha.

This city is alive.  As I walked home last night every bar was blasting some sort of live music.  Bicycle taxi's buzzed around the streets ringing their bells at every person on the sidewalk.  The smell of hot dogs filled the air as street vendors dished out food to the drunks as fast as they could.  Families walked by with young kids in awe as to what was happening on Duval St. in Key West, FL.  I can only imagine what it will be like on New Years Eve as they say they will pack the streets with over 60,000 people.

On one last note:  Happy Birthday Mom!!!  Sorry for waking you up, but I had to wish you a happy birthday before I lost cell service!

Sound Waves Ouy

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 87 - 89: Ready for Departure


After a great Christmas with the family in Grand Rapids I came back to Chicago and flew out on Monday morning at 0700.  I got in to Sarasota at 10:30 in the morning and got right to work.  The owner and his guests would be arriving a few hours later and I needed to get as much done as possible.  I haven't looked back since.  The boat got washed, the water maker finally got flushed, I installed an iPod docking station up on the fly bridge, looked at the stereo and under water lights electrical issue again, unloaded 50 lbs of meat, installed and set up a new 27" iMac computer, entertained guests for the evening, moved the boat, delivered the tender in 2 ft. waves, lifted and washed the tender (barnacles and all), ran some last minute errands to home depot, west marine, and publix, returned the rent a car, annnd set the coffee for tomorrow.
We are finally ready to go.

After logging 25 hours over the last two days I think it is safe to say that I am exhausted.  It kind of feels good though.  Back to crazy mode.  I am sure tonight will come with out like a light sleeping only to hear my 0700 alarm go off far too soon.  Goodnight

Sound Waves Out.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 82 - 86: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!



It was good to see some old friends back in Chicago as well as relax and waste a couple of days away.  Some things changed with the trip departure on the boat (as they always do) and it looks like the owner will now be back on board before me.  I'm heading up to Grand Rapids shortly to see my family and am very excited to hang out with everyone tonight.  The Kleino family got me a new leatherman which is good because my $3 rigging knife that I got well over a year ago from Home Depot is barely able to cut through butter at this point.  Jessie got me a cool pair of Oakley sunglasses which are always much needed in my line of work.  She also got me a cool t-shirt which I need as well, considering I only like about two t-shirts that I own!  While I am looking forward to getting back on the water again and away from the docks it is nice to be home and I look forward to next summer when I will return to Chicago for work.  I am not excited for the weather forecast for the first legs of our trip south.  The high is in the 50's in Florida for our departure from Sarasota to Naples.  Brrr.....

Sound Waves Out

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 80 & 81: The Final Touches

30,000 feet somewhere over the U.S.

Another blog coming from the airplane.  This in flight internet stuff is pretty cool, especially considering it is free over the holidays.  The past two days were spent getting the inside of the boat to look perfect.  Everything is cleaned up and ready to go for guests and our departure from Sarasota.  For now though I am getting flown home to spend time with family and friends over the holidays.  It will be good to see everyone.  It won't last long though as I will be boarding a plane at 7:00 A.M. on December 27th to fly back to Florida.
I am excited that we are going to Key West for New Years Eve.  I've heard it is a pretty fun time.  Yes I will be working, but I'm sure it will be pretty relaxed that night.

As we reach our cruising altitude I look out the window and see a fire in the sky as the sun dips lower and lower.  The Gulf appears to be flat calm as it turns from a bright blue to black.  A three hour layover in Atlanta and a short skip to Chicago and I'll be home for the holidays...

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 78 & 79 Bow Thruster!!!


Finally yesterday it hit 70 degrees around here and it was actually a pleasant day.  I don't really remember most of the day.  I put the old hardware back on the doors in the pilot house because we just aren't going to get to that project and cleaned up a little around the boat.  The boat is pretty much empty right now in terms of provisions.  I want there to be a lot of space so when the owner comes down he can get whatever he wants for the trip.

Today the mechanic showed up first thing in the morning and we got right to work.  I was so hopeful today, I just had a good feeling.  We got everything lined up and made sure that everything was perfect using a dial indicator and feeler gauges.  The pump was lining up only thousandths of an inch off but we wanted it perfect.  We got out the grinder and went to work on our spacers.  By a half a hair at a time we shaved off the spacer, installed it, took measurements, took the spacer off, shaved it down some more, and repeated the process about 15-20 times.  Little by little the pump lined up a little better every time.  Finally we got to a point that we were satisfied with and locked everything down.  I fired the engine and a very detailed visual check showed that everything appeared to be ok.  I went up to the pilot house and engaged the thruster.  It worked!!!!  Finally after about two months of having a starboard hydraulic thruster pump down we are back in business.  I will be watching the pump very closely next time we go out but hopefully it will run strong for many hours to come!

Its amazing if I look back to last May when I took the job taking care of yachts.  I was scared to death.  Sure I grew up around them, sure I was familiar with them, but taking care of one and being in charge of the upkeep?....Oh boy.  I look back and am actually proud of myself.  I couldn't have told you the first thing about a diesel engine, and you know what I still don't know half of it but every time I walk in to that engine room I get a little bit smarter.  Changing primary and secondary fuel filters, oil changes, coolant changes, fixing a very badly broken hydraulic bow thruster pump, and just being able to walk around the engine room and know what to look for and know when its bad or good.  When the boat rattles or shakes now I don't think to myself "Oh no I hope something isn't wrong."  I can usually tell you whats wrong or get you in the ballpark before I even go investigate.  As I write this blog there are things on this boat breaking but as a boat captain you develop this bond.  The boat respects you and you respect the boat.  As the air conditioning cycles through, the generator hiccups, the air compressor kicks on, the AC water pump turns off and even the clicking noise of a transformer behind the wall when I turn a light switch on and off...the bond grows stronger.

The new bow thruster pump on the starboard engine.  From left to right the pump with hydraulic lines moving towards the bottom of the screen (all still healthy and original), the clutch housing which is brand new, the coupler spacer which is not really visible behind the clutch that was fabricated locally, the coupler (white "shaft") that was fabricated in California, and the rubber centaflex coupler to allow flex as the engine floats on its mounts every so slightly as we shift from forward to reverse or speed up, and finally the engine.

Sound Waves Out

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 76 & 77: A Break


I'm still chasing people around and starting to chase my own tail.  It's time to get the boat ready for me to go back to Chicago for Christmas.  I worked on the thruster and finally freed everything up and got the clutch and all parts moving freely again.  A call back from a guy that is helping us out indicated that I would be getting a visit from a mechanic soon.  I feel a little disappointment and the last few days have been very frustrating.  I feel like I haven't been getting anything done and every little project has turned in to a nightmare.  I am ready for change, I'm ready to go back to Chicago, and I'm ready to leave these docks and get on the move again.

Last night some of the guys I have gotten to know invited me to an ugly sweater party and it was good to get off of the boat again and get my mind off of things.  This morning the mechanic showed up...on time...imagine that.  We went through the entire thruster system and he will be back Friday or Saturday to help me finish the job with the proper tools.  It was a relief for me just to hear him and I think I can finally trust someone.

I don't know what to think I guess.  Tomorrow will be a better day

Sound Waves...Out

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 74 & 75: Stressed Out


Yesterday nothing got done.  I installed the new parts on the thruster pump and was prepared to finish the project but the clutch is locked up and I can't line up any of the bolts.  Four calls to ABT mechanics and I'm still waiting for a call back.  One is in Malaysia, two are in the Galapagos Islands, that leaves me one chance for a return call.  The mechanics here are down a man so it has been tough to get help locally.  I did however go watch the Monday night football games with a couple of people I have gotten to know while down here.  It was good to get off of the boat for awhile and go hang out with some people instead of sitting at the marina freezing by myself.

We found a guy that would re-fabricate the side doors in the pilot house and all I needed to do was get them off.  I took some measurements and figured out how to keep the door opening secure with just wood.  I went and bought the plywood and came back ready to complete a simple project.  Drop the slide off the bottom track and pop the door off the track, put the plywood in place, put the base track back on and secure it.  Well a few years ago the boat got painted and the whole frame of the door got painted in to the boat.  Without ripping the entire slide frame off the wall of the boat and probably ruining the paint, the doors weren't coming off.  Another simple task at the surface turned in to be a giant.

The electrician finally showed up today to go over some systems on the boat with me.  The noise that we were getting in the stereo on the fly bridge when we turned on the under water lights had to stop.  We disconnected this, disconnected that, plugged this in, and unplugged that.  We cycled the lights on, turned them off, and back on again.  We messed around in the engine room, under the bill, in the pilot house, and even in the rudder compartment under the aft lazerette.  What did we come up with?....Nothing.  Maybe a bad ballast for one of the underwater lights, but that six hour project is for another day.

So all in thruster, no lights, no stereo, no new doors, no progress.  I like to consider myself a motivated person in the work place.  I called the owner and apologized and I think for the first time since I've known him got a little tense over the phone.  He understood and we took some steps back.  I said I was sorry, I seriously felt bad.  I couldn't complete these projects on time, and the worst part about it is that most of it I feel like is out of my control, which makes it even worse for me.  It is my job to get whatever needs to get done..done, no matter what, and I couldn't do that.

Tomorrow comes with one motivation and one motivation only...bow thruster.  Every part (we hope) that is needed is on the boat and all it is going to take is proper assembly.  I don't plan on leaving the engine room until it is done, and if it takes me all day then so be it...enough with this f-ing project.  Everything tomorrow gets ignored and unless this boat catches fire (please lord I pray this doesn't happen) the only project on tomorrow's list is that damn hydraulic thruster pump

By the way...those doors aren't coming off, that project is closed.

Sound Waves Out.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 72 & 73: Christmas Crazy!!!


I got a lot accomplished on Saturday and now I look forward to Monday where we should be able to take care of a lot more as the mechanic is coming with the new bow thruster part, and the electrician is coming to look at the underwater lights and stereo noise issue.  When we turn on the underwater lights and the stereo on the fly bridge at the same time there is a lot of noise in the speakers.  I figured out that it was because of the battery charger kicking on and essentially maxing out.  I found that there is a lead for the underwater lights that for some reason was hooked up to the same breaker as the battery charger.  Hopefully isolating those leads will be enough to take care of the noise, otherwise we will have to purchase another 5000 SP 50 amp battery charger and hook it up in parallel with the current one.

The big Christmas boat parade was Saturday night and the marina was so busy.  Every slip was full and there was one dock party going on after another.  I was so amazed at how many dogs were simply roaming the docks.  It was quite entertaining to watch all of them throughout the day.  The Christmas boat parade was pretty cool and I had front row seats from the fly bridge.  I will post some pictures.  There were about thirty boats in the parade and anything from a little kayak to a 130' westport were involved.  They even have this floating wedding chapel, that is literally a house on water, and they came by as well.
The marina was crazy after the parade but as always 11:00 P.M. rolled around and was all over.

Today (Sunday) I did some general boat chores, did some laundry, washed my sheets, cleaned the heads, etc...  I feel pretty good about where the boat is right now and am still somewhat hopeful that it may be possible for me to go see my grandparents, at least for a couple of days.

As the sky turns to pitch black we are right in the middle of a passing cold front.  11:00 A.M. the wind started to howl and then it rained.  Now as I sit here in the galley the bimini top on the fly bridge jerks at its brackets, flags whip back and forth even and a catamaran docked across from me reminds me of my time in the Caribbean as its wind turbine slices through the wind.  Halyards beat against mast as the boat heels every now and then with a passing gust of wind.  The next time I go outside will be for a quick line check and that is all.  I look up and see two shadows dart down the dock as two people run to get out of the weather.  Florida hasn't been what I remember.  Ever since Thanksgiving I don't think we have seen a day above 70 degrees.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 71: Missed a couple days


So I just realized that my days were off as I missed a couple of posts here and there.  Anyways I am pretty sure we are now back on track with day 71.
The list is getting a lot shorter and in order to get most of the things done that are still on the list I just have to get people and parts here.  I make tons of phone calls everyday and am trying to push everyone to get things done that I need done.  The bow thruster project is...still open.  Hopefully everything comes together by Monday and we test it, its fine, and we're done.  If that isn't the case I will become very angry.  We may be ripping the doors off in the pilot house to have them fabricated to allow for new locks and handles.  That is also another project I am just waiting on someone for.
The boat is pretty much ready to go otherwise, I mean there are still a lot of things we need to get finished but I am feeling a lot better about everything after today.

Tomorrow there is some huge party at the marina and they already have all of the streets blocked off.  I don't remember what it is called exactly, but there is some huge boat parade and dinner and fun...etc. etc. etc.  It should be interesting, I'm assuming mostly families and old people will be showing up but whatever it still could be a good time.

Sound Waves Out

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 66 and 67: Not much happening


I had a great sunday evening.  Things were moving pretty slow I feel like the last couple of days, so I am trying to really focus and crank out the rest of this list.  If I can get all of the big projects completed I will be able to drive to the other side of the state and visit my grandparents before I fly back home for Christmas.  I really hope that I can get enough done so I can go see them, I know it will mean a lot to them.

It's been really cold here and the low tonight is 34.  I know that everyone up north has no sympathy for me but seriously... its cold.  Everyone is walking around in full winter jackets and gloves and hats, its kind of funny.  The heat is on at night and nothing is running during the day.  Sometimes it gets warm enough in the afternoon that I can open up all the doors and let some fresh air in.  Unfortunately the ten day forecast is not showing any break in this cold snap we are having.....bundle up!

Sound Waves Out

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 65: Another day of nothing


I finally threw in the towel.  One light isn't worth two days of my time.  I went to home depot and got some supplies put the light back in the hole, did a final wiring for the switch and started putting panels back in the walls.  It took me well over three hours just to clean up something that isn't even finished yet.  I pulled out the drawings for the entire boat and even those don't make sense.  The places where I have found transformers and fuses aren't marked on the drawings, and where they did mark transformers there are none.  I will see what the owner says when he gets back on board Monday, but for now I need to get all of this clutter out of the way and focus on more important things.

The bow thruster project is going in circles and I think we are going to try and fabricate a spacer to close the gap between the clutch and the coupler.  I usually don't get mad at people when they make a mistake but I am really angry at ABT California.  For some reason the engineers out there thought it was a good idea to make the new coupler 1/8" shorter.  Why and the F^&k would you do something like that, when I send you a part and say duplicate this.  "Duplicate" does not imply "shorten".  I've kept my cool with the guys and I think that they know that they will be paying for about 90% of this project at this point.  I think they are more nervous to loose a customer than the bill.

It was another "chase your tail" day but now that I have this light fixture project in the back of my mind I should be able to focus on other things tomorrow.  It is Saturday, but I just don't know if I'm in the mood to go hang out somewhere.  This life is just too stressful (be careful with your comments here haha).  I should probably stop writing.  As I type more things are breaking on this boat somewhere, like the damn garbage compactor that just made a horrific noise at me............put it on the list!

I am hoping to get back in a mood to write some more descriptive entries, those usually make me feel better but for now I guess I'll have to deal with another boring blog....sorry.

I need to get in touch with the best marine navigation technician in the business. Any contacts would be greatly appreciated. I need to learn these systems inside and out if I am going to take them to the next level.

Sound Waves Out

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 64: Slow Progress


I went to check out Captain Curt's last night as I am getting to know some of the workers there.  It is nice to go hang out with people my age! hah.  While I was there last night a huge house fire broke out a block or so away.  I have never seen so many fire trucks, etc...  I will post a picture below.
My main goal today was to get the ABT mechanic on board.  We discussed some of the options, and we are continuing to the next step.  I am going to remove the entire hydraulic mounting plate, send it in and get slot mounts machined which will enable me to slid the entire pump/clutch assembly forward the 1/8" I need to close the gap with the rubber centerflux and coupler.  Hopefully I can get this accomplished tomorrow.  Still no luck on the art light in the settee, I am baffled.  Tomorrow I will tackle that as well.

I ordered all new hardware for the locks and door handles for the doors in the pilot house, and those arrived today as well.  I believe that we are going to have to modify the door to make this work, so another huge project just jumped on the list.

The heat is on right now on board and the forecast doesn't look promising.  I hope this isn't the start to another cold winter.  Otherwise, we will be headed down island more, which won't be all that bad.  I think I am going to throw in the towel for the night and watch a good movie.  By the time that is over it will be a perfect bed time!

You can see the smoke from the fire here

 A bit blurry but the house on fire is to the left of the vehicle in the picture

Sound Waves Out!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 63: SUCCESS!!!!


Finally!  The electrician came on board today, and after testing this and testing that we were both left scratching our heads.  I had to dig deeper.  I called Sam's Marine in Lauderdale that deals with Hatteras boats, Ed gave me Roger's number who is now with Jared Marine.  I called Roger, the old timer Hatteras guru.  Roger had me tearing apart the pantry, pulling pots and pans, and ripping everything out including my hair.  Finally a breakthrough....the hidden transformer.  I swapped out a quick fuse and voila! the master suite lit up like a Christmas tree (tis the season after all).  I ran outside and let out a yelp of excitement.  The transient boaters next to me sat up in their chairs in surprise.  I had interrupted their peaceful cocktail hour.  I couldn't help it, I sent a picture message to the owner and all I wrote in the caption was "YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!".  His reply: "Awesome dude, great work!"

What a day it has been.  I woke up to the phone ringing.  It was A&B Marina in Key West.  With a 35 boat waiting list I pretty much threw in the towel on getting in to Key West for New Years Eve.  I remembered what fellow crew members in the business have taught me though.  Use your resources.  The dock master won't let you in but he will let in his good friends friend who he owes a favor.  I found that friend and while he didn't owe me a single favor, he knew everyone in Key West. Captain Tony Salazar who I met on the docks in Chicago last summer.
"Hello Captain Eric?"
"Yes speaking what can I do for you?"
"Yes sir, this is Mark from A&B Marina in Key West.  I was wondering if you still wanted to spend New Years Eve with us?  I moved some boats around and we would love to have you for as long as you want to stay."
"Yes Sir that would work perfect...the owner will be thrilled with this news"
YAAAYYYY!!!!!  When the dock master fails, its all about who you know, and who they know, and who they know...etc...  In the end the dock master is the one that will get the huge tip for getting us in, and Captain Tony...well I owe ya one bud.  That is the great thing about this business, we are all willing to do a favor for someone just because they are in the business.

Next, I needed to focus on this damn bow thruster issue.  The first ABT (American Bow Thruster) mechanic I called was in Malaysia, the second was in Brazil.  Holy S#!T don't these guys work?  Again, I was starting to give up hope.  The third guy I got a hold of is based out of Lauderdale so I knew bringing him over to Sarasota wasn't practical for this type of work.  I thought I would ask as many questions as I could and learn what I could from him.  Well it just so happened that Justin from Ft. Lauderdale ABT is coming to Marina Jacks tomorrow in Sarasota, FL.  On top of that he will be right on the same dock as me.  It was going to be a good day...finally everything was coming together.  What were the chances?!

On top of all of this today was the day that we were getting kicked out of our slip.  Someone had rented out our slip and we were being forced to move down to the end of the dock, away from the music, away from...everything.  I went in to talk to the dock master and give my final wish.  As I walked in all he said:
"Hey Captain, staying warm?" (Its cold here)
"Yes sir, whats the good word?"
"Well, I don't want to move you sir.  You've been really good with checking with me and haven't tried to avoid me.  Most of the time I'm hunting guys down, so I really appreciate you working with me.  I talked to the boat coming in and I'm just going to keep you guys where you are, I'm putting him at the end."



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 62: Turn on the Heat!


I woke up this morning, walked outside, turned around, walked inside, said a four letter word and put on pants and a sweatshirt.  It was freezing all day today!  Note to people in the north....keep your weather to yourself!!!!
I spent most of the morning taking care of personal things; taxes, Christmas shopping, etc...  Another note to people...don't buy yourself crap right before Christmas, duh. (My Dad has this problem)
I ran around town this afternoon emptying trash at peoples condos because they forgot when they left.  Shipping clothes overnight, and mailing some other things back.  No word from the ABT techs yet (Bow thrusters) and hopefully I will see an electrician tomorrow, if he solves this I'm giving him a medal.  The to-do list is however under a page long, which is the shortest it has been since I got to Sarasota.  "Boat Wash" is one of the things on the list however, which will kill almost an entire day.
I think for now I am going to pop a frozen pizza in the oven, make a batch of popcorn, pop a good movie in and relax.

Sound Waves Out