Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 62: Turn on the Heat!


I woke up this morning, walked outside, turned around, walked inside, said a four letter word and put on pants and a sweatshirt.  It was freezing all day today!  Note to people in the north....keep your weather to yourself!!!!
I spent most of the morning taking care of personal things; taxes, Christmas shopping, etc...  Another note to people...don't buy yourself crap right before Christmas, duh. (My Dad has this problem)
I ran around town this afternoon emptying trash at peoples condos because they forgot when they left.  Shipping clothes overnight, and mailing some other things back.  No word from the ABT techs yet (Bow thrusters) and hopefully I will see an electrician tomorrow, if he solves this I'm giving him a medal.  The to-do list is however under a page long, which is the shortest it has been since I got to Sarasota.  "Boat Wash" is one of the things on the list however, which will kill almost an entire day.
I think for now I am going to pop a frozen pizza in the oven, make a batch of popcorn, pop a good movie in and relax.

Sound Waves Out

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