Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 82 - 86: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!



It was good to see some old friends back in Chicago as well as relax and waste a couple of days away.  Some things changed with the trip departure on the boat (as they always do) and it looks like the owner will now be back on board before me.  I'm heading up to Grand Rapids shortly to see my family and am very excited to hang out with everyone tonight.  The Kleino family got me a new leatherman which is good because my $3 rigging knife that I got well over a year ago from Home Depot is barely able to cut through butter at this point.  Jessie got me a cool pair of Oakley sunglasses which are always much needed in my line of work.  She also got me a cool t-shirt which I need as well, considering I only like about two t-shirts that I own!  While I am looking forward to getting back on the water again and away from the docks it is nice to be home and I look forward to next summer when I will return to Chicago for work.  I am not excited for the weather forecast for the first legs of our trip south.  The high is in the 50's in Florida for our departure from Sarasota to Naples.  Brrr.....

Sound Waves Out

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