Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day 65: Another day of nothing


I finally threw in the towel.  One light isn't worth two days of my time.  I went to home depot and got some supplies put the light back in the hole, did a final wiring for the switch and started putting panels back in the walls.  It took me well over three hours just to clean up something that isn't even finished yet.  I pulled out the drawings for the entire boat and even those don't make sense.  The places where I have found transformers and fuses aren't marked on the drawings, and where they did mark transformers there are none.  I will see what the owner says when he gets back on board Monday, but for now I need to get all of this clutter out of the way and focus on more important things.

The bow thruster project is going in circles and I think we are going to try and fabricate a spacer to close the gap between the clutch and the coupler.  I usually don't get mad at people when they make a mistake but I am really angry at ABT California.  For some reason the engineers out there thought it was a good idea to make the new coupler 1/8" shorter.  Why and the F^&k would you do something like that, when I send you a part and say duplicate this.  "Duplicate" does not imply "shorten".  I've kept my cool with the guys and I think that they know that they will be paying for about 90% of this project at this point.  I think they are more nervous to loose a customer than the bill.

It was another "chase your tail" day but now that I have this light fixture project in the back of my mind I should be able to focus on other things tomorrow.  It is Saturday, but I just don't know if I'm in the mood to go hang out somewhere.  This life is just too stressful (be careful with your comments here haha).  I should probably stop writing.  As I type more things are breaking on this boat somewhere, like the damn garbage compactor that just made a horrific noise at me............put it on the list!

I am hoping to get back in a mood to write some more descriptive entries, those usually make me feel better but for now I guess I'll have to deal with another boring blog....sorry.

I need to get in touch with the best marine navigation technician in the business. Any contacts would be greatly appreciated. I need to learn these systems inside and out if I am going to take them to the next level.

Sound Waves Out

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