Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 80 & 81: The Final Touches

30,000 feet somewhere over the U.S.

Another blog coming from the airplane.  This in flight internet stuff is pretty cool, especially considering it is free over the holidays.  The past two days were spent getting the inside of the boat to look perfect.  Everything is cleaned up and ready to go for guests and our departure from Sarasota.  For now though I am getting flown home to spend time with family and friends over the holidays.  It will be good to see everyone.  It won't last long though as I will be boarding a plane at 7:00 A.M. on December 27th to fly back to Florida.
I am excited that we are going to Key West for New Years Eve.  I've heard it is a pretty fun time.  Yes I will be working, but I'm sure it will be pretty relaxed that night.

As we reach our cruising altitude I look out the window and see a fire in the sky as the sun dips lower and lower.  The Gulf appears to be flat calm as it turns from a bright blue to black.  A three hour layover in Atlanta and a short skip to Chicago and I'll be home for the holidays...

Sound Waves Out

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