Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 66 and 67: Not much happening


I had a great sunday evening.  Things were moving pretty slow I feel like the last couple of days, so I am trying to really focus and crank out the rest of this list.  If I can get all of the big projects completed I will be able to drive to the other side of the state and visit my grandparents before I fly back home for Christmas.  I really hope that I can get enough done so I can go see them, I know it will mean a lot to them.

It's been really cold here and the low tonight is 34.  I know that everyone up north has no sympathy for me but seriously... its cold.  Everyone is walking around in full winter jackets and gloves and hats, its kind of funny.  The heat is on at night and nothing is running during the day.  Sometimes it gets warm enough in the afternoon that I can open up all the doors and let some fresh air in.  Unfortunately the ten day forecast is not showing any break in this cold snap we are having.....bundle up!

Sound Waves Out

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