Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 63: SUCCESS!!!!


Finally!  The electrician came on board today, and after testing this and testing that we were both left scratching our heads.  I had to dig deeper.  I called Sam's Marine in Lauderdale that deals with Hatteras boats, Ed gave me Roger's number who is now with Jared Marine.  I called Roger, the old timer Hatteras guru.  Roger had me tearing apart the pantry, pulling pots and pans, and ripping everything out including my hair.  Finally a breakthrough....the hidden transformer.  I swapped out a quick fuse and voila! the master suite lit up like a Christmas tree (tis the season after all).  I ran outside and let out a yelp of excitement.  The transient boaters next to me sat up in their chairs in surprise.  I had interrupted their peaceful cocktail hour.  I couldn't help it, I sent a picture message to the owner and all I wrote in the caption was "YAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!".  His reply: "Awesome dude, great work!"

What a day it has been.  I woke up to the phone ringing.  It was A&B Marina in Key West.  With a 35 boat waiting list I pretty much threw in the towel on getting in to Key West for New Years Eve.  I remembered what fellow crew members in the business have taught me though.  Use your resources.  The dock master won't let you in but he will let in his good friends friend who he owes a favor.  I found that friend and while he didn't owe me a single favor, he knew everyone in Key West. Captain Tony Salazar who I met on the docks in Chicago last summer.
"Hello Captain Eric?"
"Yes speaking what can I do for you?"
"Yes sir, this is Mark from A&B Marina in Key West.  I was wondering if you still wanted to spend New Years Eve with us?  I moved some boats around and we would love to have you for as long as you want to stay."
"Yes Sir that would work perfect...the owner will be thrilled with this news"
YAAAYYYY!!!!!  When the dock master fails, its all about who you know, and who they know, and who they know...etc...  In the end the dock master is the one that will get the huge tip for getting us in, and Captain Tony...well I owe ya one bud.  That is the great thing about this business, we are all willing to do a favor for someone just because they are in the business.

Next, I needed to focus on this damn bow thruster issue.  The first ABT (American Bow Thruster) mechanic I called was in Malaysia, the second was in Brazil.  Holy S#!T don't these guys work?  Again, I was starting to give up hope.  The third guy I got a hold of is based out of Lauderdale so I knew bringing him over to Sarasota wasn't practical for this type of work.  I thought I would ask as many questions as I could and learn what I could from him.  Well it just so happened that Justin from Ft. Lauderdale ABT is coming to Marina Jacks tomorrow in Sarasota, FL.  On top of that he will be right on the same dock as me.  It was going to be a good day...finally everything was coming together.  What were the chances?!

On top of all of this today was the day that we were getting kicked out of our slip.  Someone had rented out our slip and we were being forced to move down to the end of the dock, away from the music, away from...everything.  I went in to talk to the dock master and give my final wish.  As I walked in all he said:
"Hey Captain, staying warm?" (Its cold here)
"Yes sir, whats the good word?"
"Well, I don't want to move you sir.  You've been really good with checking with me and haven't tried to avoid me.  Most of the time I'm hunting guys down, so I really appreciate you working with me.  I talked to the boat coming in and I'm just going to keep you guys where you are, I'm putting him at the end."



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