Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 64: Slow Progress


I went to check out Captain Curt's last night as I am getting to know some of the workers there.  It is nice to go hang out with people my age! hah.  While I was there last night a huge house fire broke out a block or so away.  I have never seen so many fire trucks, etc...  I will post a picture below.
My main goal today was to get the ABT mechanic on board.  We discussed some of the options, and we are continuing to the next step.  I am going to remove the entire hydraulic mounting plate, send it in and get slot mounts machined which will enable me to slid the entire pump/clutch assembly forward the 1/8" I need to close the gap with the rubber centerflux and coupler.  Hopefully I can get this accomplished tomorrow.  Still no luck on the art light in the settee, I am baffled.  Tomorrow I will tackle that as well.

I ordered all new hardware for the locks and door handles for the doors in the pilot house, and those arrived today as well.  I believe that we are going to have to modify the door to make this work, so another huge project just jumped on the list.

The heat is on right now on board and the forecast doesn't look promising.  I hope this isn't the start to another cold winter.  Otherwise, we will be headed down island more, which won't be all that bad.  I think I am going to throw in the towel for the night and watch a good movie.  By the time that is over it will be a perfect bed time!

You can see the smoke from the fire here

 A bit blurry but the house on fire is to the left of the vehicle in the picture

Sound Waves Out!

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