Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 76 & 77: A Break


I'm still chasing people around and starting to chase my own tail.  It's time to get the boat ready for me to go back to Chicago for Christmas.  I worked on the thruster and finally freed everything up and got the clutch and all parts moving freely again.  A call back from a guy that is helping us out indicated that I would be getting a visit from a mechanic soon.  I feel a little disappointment and the last few days have been very frustrating.  I feel like I haven't been getting anything done and every little project has turned in to a nightmare.  I am ready for change, I'm ready to go back to Chicago, and I'm ready to leave these docks and get on the move again.

Last night some of the guys I have gotten to know invited me to an ugly sweater party and it was good to get off of the boat again and get my mind off of things.  This morning the mechanic showed up...on time...imagine that.  We went through the entire thruster system and he will be back Friday or Saturday to help me finish the job with the proper tools.  It was a relief for me just to hear him and I think I can finally trust someone.

I don't know what to think I guess.  Tomorrow will be a better day

Sound Waves...Out

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