Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 87 - 89: Ready for Departure


After a great Christmas with the family in Grand Rapids I came back to Chicago and flew out on Monday morning at 0700.  I got in to Sarasota at 10:30 in the morning and got right to work.  The owner and his guests would be arriving a few hours later and I needed to get as much done as possible.  I haven't looked back since.  The boat got washed, the water maker finally got flushed, I installed an iPod docking station up on the fly bridge, looked at the stereo and under water lights electrical issue again, unloaded 50 lbs of meat, installed and set up a new 27" iMac computer, entertained guests for the evening, moved the boat, delivered the tender in 2 ft. waves, lifted and washed the tender (barnacles and all), ran some last minute errands to home depot, west marine, and publix, returned the rent a car, annnd set the coffee for tomorrow.
We are finally ready to go.

After logging 25 hours over the last two days I think it is safe to say that I am exhausted.  It kind of feels good though.  Back to crazy mode.  I am sure tonight will come with out like a light sleeping only to hear my 0700 alarm go off far too soon.  Goodnight

Sound Waves Out.

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