Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 61: Electronics


It was quiet this morning.  I had a nice breakfast and got to work.  The bow thruster project continues on and now all that separates us and completion is a 0.25" gap between the new coupler and the clutch.  Apparently the rubber center flux is supposed to be able to flex enough to make up for this quarter of an inch, but it looks like a pretty big gap to me.  I have the ABT mechanics in both California and Florida looking in to it for me and getting back with me tomorrow.  Hopefully we can finish this dang project soon, and if I have to wait for more parts to be manufactured because a coupler was machined wrong than this captain will be angry.

After we got done with our daily dose of bow thruster pump I went right in to some of the electronics projects on the list.  The lights in the master suite are not working and even after a yacht services guy looked at the systems with the owner they could not figure it out.  The other topic for the evening was a "simple" swap of a light switch that broke.

I started swapping out the light switch for the art work on the starboard settee and after I had the whole thing wired up I flipped the switch...nothing.  What the hell.   I tried this, I tried that, I even swapped the new switch with another old switch and made sure the new switch was O.K.  I changed the light bulb and checked every connection visible.  I dug up the transformer and changed the fuse.  S#!T.  Still nothing.   Now as I right this blog I look to the left and the galley is a mess with wires everywhere, switches hanging out of the wall, and bulbs hanging from the ceiling.  The whole settee is torn up so I could get to the transformer.  All to light up a piece of art on the wall.

In the meantime I started digging in to the master suite situation.  The multimeter showed power everywhere, but what the heck.  I swapped some fuses in the transformer relay box just for the hell of it, and proved myself right... it wasn't a fuse.  Well if I am getting power to the wires but no lights, maybe the switch isn't closing the circuit?  I killed most of the power on the boat, found a good switch and swapped it with the possible bad switch...nope.  Ok maybe EVERY bulb blew out.  That thought actually just came to me but what are the odds (I'll probably go change a few lights after this haha).  In some weird "f$*&$ed" up way maybe the two problems, which are completely separate systems on board, are connected to each other.  Thank God my neck is feeling a little bit better, at least I have that going for me.

The question of the night... where is the magical transformer that controls the settee art light and the master suite together but with nothing else on the boat?

Go ahead and reply an answer to me, if you are right you can have next weeks pay check (not really)

Here are some pictures of tonights activities:

The Settee bench, the mess is much worse than the picture can show

Transformer and Relay for Master Suite.  Why is it that everything looks normal?  Shouldn't something be burning or something?  That'd make it easy

Swapping out some switches in the master suite in an attempt to narrow down the mystery.

Why is it that it just doesn't work?  Not a fuse, not a switch, not a bulb, not the socket.....all connections go for go

So the final conclusion to tonights projects?  None.  I just took all of these pictures and as I scratch my head in confusion suddenly my neck begins to hurt again.  I don't think it has anything to do with the pillows this time.  I think stress may be involved.  I have an idea.  I think I'll just re-wire the entire boat..............

Sound Waves Out

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