Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 60: Time alone


The sun hangs on as the last bit of red disappears in the sky.  The night clouds have already began their charge as they take over the night sky.  While the wind tried its best today not a ripple on the water remains as insects sing away in the park across the harbor.  The music up at the restaurant is clear as day as one man plays acoustic guitar for people enjoying a nice dinner on the water.  A few transient boaters are still shuffling around their boats, trying to get a freshwater rinse done as quickly as possible in order to not miss any part of cocktail hour.  Another sits in the pilot house with some red light, maybe plotting tomorrows course or checking the weather.  My skin is salty and sticky as another hot Florida day has earned my shirt the next trip to the washing machine soaked in sweat.  The to-do list is growing smaller and other than a few big projects most of the list consists of smaller "tedious" items.  I'm hoping to finish the bulk of those tedious items tomorrow and loosen up the work load a little bit.  My neck is feeling a little better today so hopefully I can focus more on crawling in to small spaces instead of babying my neck.

I'm trying to get back in to playing guitar, and tonight I threw down three or four verses on paper and put some notes behind them.  It would be nice to get back in to it again, I really miss it.  I just need to find the patience and the time to do so.

Sip back
Kick back
The sun begins to fade
Drink up
Burn up
and end another day
It feels so nice
I'll never be the same
But then what the hell
Why should I change

Sound Waves Out

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