Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 33- 35: Rain!


It has been a slow but productive last couple of days.  And while I will be flying back to Chicago on Saturday to complete my 100 Ton USCG licensing the work will not stop on board.  We will have mechanics visiting to fix our water maker.  Someone is coming to take the jet boat so we can have a custom made tower with speakers and lights installed.  We are also putting in a gps system on the dingy.  So a lot is going to get accomplished while I'm gone.  Today was the first bad day of weather I have had since I left Chicago.  I took the owner to the airport and the skies above were black.  It finally started to rain on my way home and before I could get to the marina the roads were already starting to flood.  Now, an hour or so later, the rain has stopped but the sky is still a dark and gloomy gray, with no signs of another perfect Florida day in sight.  I guess I'll be working inside today.

Sound Waves Out

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