Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 59: Neck


My neck has gotten worse and I had to take some pretty strong pain medication today just to be comfortable.  The owner wouldn't let me do much today and insisted that I take the day off.  I spent most of the day on the couch with a hot pack on my neck.  I felt really stupid that a pillow is what is causing this.  It could be something better like I wrestled a shark or something.  I hope that it feels better tomorrow because as of right now I am in some pretty significant pain while I write this blog.

I sent everyone on there way this afternoon and I don't think there is one family member in Florida anymore.  It was good to have the company and to see everyone, but I now look forward to tearing through this to-do list that has yet to go under one page long.  I will be really disappointed if now that I have the boat to myself my neck slows me down.  The weather still has yet to fully break after the cold front came through late last week.

Time to go lay down and get another hot pack going....

Sound Waves Out

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