Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 54: Lunch Cruise


Today we went down to the owners condo where his father has a 40' Sea Ray.  The owner and some of the family came down to take the boat to lunch.  We went to a nice place right off of the ICW just south of the condos on Casey Key.  It was a nice day, the sun was out and warm on the face.  It was good to go for another boat ride.  After returning I booked my flight to return to Detroit for the day to go to the Division 8 state final football game.  A few more chores and now the sun is starting to dip lower in the sky.  It is just about to set the palm trees on fire.  The wind has given up for the day and the heat is releasing its grip.  There are just enough clouds in the sky to make a perfect set up for another great sunset.  The transient slips across from us are already starting to fill up as the holiday approaches.

Sound Waves Out

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