Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 51: Mechanic, Engineering?


Well lets start with the important things.  I woke up this morning and went for a run...............(pause for disbelief)...........Ok Ok Ok I didn't get as far as I used to be able to but c'mon baby steps right?  I even did some push ups and sit ups when I got done.  And well by God I felt perty darn good!
Next the even more important things, CONGRATULATIONS SAUGATUCK HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL AND LANCE KLEINO for your semi-final victory and bid to the Michigan High School State Championship at Ford Field Thanksgiving weekend.  Those are the days I will never forget, so live it up boys!

So lets see now that the important stuff is out of the way I should probably just stop typing right?  Too bad.  After my run I ate a delicious bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, jumped in the shower and before I could get my pants on...wait shorts (back in Florida duh) the mechanic was already here.  Remember the bow thruster problem we had way back in Chicago?  Well the parts finally came in and the owner scheduled a mechanic to come in and put it all back together.  The two of us worked most of the morning in the engine room with the owner right over our shoulders.  What can I say, great bunch, we all wanted to help.  That list that was a mile long that I made last night didn't even get looked at today, well besides the fact that it got longer.  We got the thruster moving in the right direction and the clutch is off to a machine shop for some modifications.  Some guests arrive tonight and even more for the Thanksgiving weekend.  It should be an exciting time, hopefully I can get back to Detroit for Saugatuck's game!!!

Sound Waves Out

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