Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 39 - 50: Captain


Well I finally did it.  I completed my 100 Ton USCG Masters training and passed the exam with flying colors!  You can almost really call me captain now, I just need the coast guard to finish the paper work.  It was a fun class and it really helped that I had already gone over a lot of the material over the past few years, thanks Dad!  Some of the group went out for drinks afterward and it was good fun to finally relax while being back in Chicago.

As I sat in the airport today I was amazed at the items that people carry on with them now.  Why don't they just get rid of "checked luggage" all together?  People obviously are willing to do whatever they can to avoid paying these baggage fees.  One guy walked by with bags hanging off of his arms and I thought to myself, I wonder if he had to purchase a separate seat just for his bags.  It is ridiculous.  Everyone was busy on their phones or laptops, lost in their own world when a persons voice comes over the loudspeaker and puts them in to panic mode.  "We would like to begin boarding flight 1099 with non-stop service to Atlanta at this time."  And like someone pulled a fire alarm everyone shuts their laptops, hangs up the phone without saying goodbye and runs to be the first ones on the airplane.  I sit back in my chair, take another sip of my delicious chocolate shake that I purchased for $4 at the airport McDonalds, and laugh to myself.  These people are really crazy.  Travel never bothered me, and showing up to the airport today an hour and a half before my flight was way too early.
The flight went fine, as they usually do, and we broke through the clouds on our decent and I could make out the channel entrance to Tampa Bay.  Not too long ago I brought Sound Waves through those same waters I was now looking at from a comfy 15,000 ft.

Upon opening the door at the marina the cab driver retrieved my bags and salt water was on the nose, as a warm puff of Florida air greeted my face.  A slight fish odor presented itself as the wind carried the scent on its way to the nearest hungry sea gull.  The band had already started up at the restaurant and the valet runners were waiting eagerly in their red shirts ready for the weekend rush.  The sun was just setting and everything seemed just right.  Once back on the boat I found the owner just finishing up a shower and we got right down to business.  Before I could take the time to remove my shoes and find my flip flops my list of things had swelled to beyond a page.  It's time to get back to work, and after 10 days of school eight hours a day, my "vacation" was less than relaxing.  It was good to see friends back home and I look forward to a very productive day tomorrow.

Sound Waves Out

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