Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 58: Crummy Weather


Sorry for the delayed blog.  It was a warm welcome as I got back in to Sarasota.  We landed in heavy fog and it was kind of eerie.  The humidity was 98% and the windows on the plane fogged over as soon as we started to taxi off of the runway.  The owner and some of the family was at the marina restaurant listening to the band.  It was a productive day even though the weather was bad all day.  I switched out the glen denning switch and soldered on a new one.  I re-adjusted all of the lines to get the boat back in the slip where I want it and then we took off in the dingy to go to Captain Kurt's for lunch.  It also happened to be the day of the Michigan/Ohio State game.  Well it also happened to be that Captain Kurt's is a huge Ohio State bar.  I reluctantly went in.

I hurt my neck sleeping on the pillows at my parents house and it has really been hurting, but despite that we still managed to get a lot done today.  We went out to Pacific Rim (the sushi place) for the owners sons birthday.
The family leaves tomorrow and things will get pretty quiet.

Sound Waves Out

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