Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 55: The whole famn damily


Last night was a fun time as some of the owners family got together and went out for dinner and drinks.  We went to Pacific Rim, which was that awesome sushi place we went to a few weeks ago.  Afterwards we went out to see what was going on and ended up having a pretty good time.  A place called "Gilligans" in the village seemed like it could be a pretty happening place, but it was Tuesday.  This morning was a little slow as I was waiting for the mechanic to come, he didn't show up until afternoon.  We rented a car as a lot of the family flew in today.  We also got the jet boat back with the new tower, the speakers, the bimini, and tower lights.  It looks pretty cool but we aren't sure if we will keep the tower or not.  The mechanic and I got the ice maker back up and running and almost got the bow thruster up and working again, expect we are still short four bolts.  Hopefully I can find those bolts locally and won't have to ship them in from California.  Now the owners entire family is here so it should be pretty busy over the weekend.

Tomorrow morning I fly out very early in the morning to go back to Detroit to watch Saugatuck and Lance Kleino play in the Michigan state finals for football.  I fly back to Florida that evening, so it will be a little more than a 24 hour trip.  I am really excited about the trip, as I will get to see some of my family and have Thanksgiving dinner at home.

Sound Waves Out

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