Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 57: In Flight blogging!


So over the holidays the airlines are offering free internet on board the plane.  I thought that this would be a great time to write in the blog!  So tonights blog comes to you from seat 25D (exit row) on board flight DL1916 en route to Sarasota, FL. 

Todays game was a bummer as Saugatuck lost in the state finals to Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart.  They played hard and Lance scored two touchdowns!  I hope that the whole team can realize what they accomplished this season after some of the pain of a lose at the highest level subsides.  That was the only game I was able to go to this year and, heck, I'm proud of those guys.  Congratulations again Saugatuck.  

The flights have been going smoothly other than about a 45 min delay leaving Atlanta.  Who cares though, if that is the worst that happens to me over the last month of air travel I've been doing I won't complain.  I just can't get over how big of a deal everyone makes this air travel process.  People can't wait to get on the plane, then they can't wait to get off.  It just baffles me.  

I got word that the cold front in Sarasota finally came through, and came through when I thought it would. It is reassuring for me to be able to read the weather systems while the boat is still at the dock, as opposed to testing the weather systems in the middle of the Gulf Stream.  This time of year a cold front can really get you in trouble in the south so it is important for me to be able to read the signs of an approaching cold front before it hits, even if I don't have the internet.  

For now I'm going to sit back and enjoy the flight as the lady in front of me who smells of old cigarettes talks the ear off of the poor passenger sitting next to her.  I mean no one cares that your son lost his college grants because his true father got arrested or ....geez I don't even know she just keeps going on and on.  The beverage cart just went by and about took off my elbow, but that just means that a nice refreshing sprite is on the way, as for some reason that has become my drink of choice while flying.  I just hope that I can stay awake long enough for that beverage as the warm still air and the hum of the engines make my eyes more heavy with each word I type. 

I can almost smell the salt water...again

Sound Waves Out

P.S. I just heard her say something about C-sections and small intestines....gross

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