Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 52: Boat Ride!


I woke up early today, amazing.  I snuck around the boat trying to be as quiet as possible in order to not wake the owner.  I did some small projects out side and got the boat ready for our party.  The owners father, who I worked for all of last summer was having some friends (20) on board today for a sunset cruise out on the gulf.  We set up to have the event catered by Marina Jacks, and I was getting a temporary stewardess for the day...YES!!!!   The boat was in great shape and ready to go.  Our friends from next door, "Aloan at Last", got back from Harbor Island today and it was great to see their first mate, Keith, again.  We have started to become friends.  The dinner cruise went well and besides the boat being a little crowded it was a fun time.  I didn't have to focus on the guests as much because I had help which was great.  It was great to learn the waters around here and get to know the short cuts.

Once back at the dock, the weekly reggae band, Democracy, was playing up at the restaurant.  The owner took me, his girlfriend, and our temporary stewardess up for some cocktails and appetizers.  The atmosphere was electric.  People of all sizes, colors, ages, etc.... were out on the dance floor as Democracy played from one song right in to the next without stopping.  A very large lady dressed in marley colors was the hit of the night.  She is going to be sore tomorrow, and so am I because I couldn't stop laughing.  Now as I lay in my new bed in the true captains quarters (I was in the VIP suite for the longest time) I look forward to tomorrow.  Today was fun, and while this job forces you to walk a line between absolute vacation and sweat, slave all day work I slowly have figured out my new boss.  We work well together and despite a two page list of things that need to get done he still makes sure I can relax and have some fun when a good days work is done, and for that I am grateful.

Sound Waves Out

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