Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 36 - 38: Back to the Cold


Well the owner decided he didn't want to be in Florida anymore so we brought the boat back to Chicago.... only kidding.  The reason I am back is because over the next 10 days I will be in a class 8 hours a day and will be completing my testing to obtain my 100 Ton Master United States Coast Guard Captains License.  I am pretty excited considering I have been wanting to obtain this credential for awhile now.  The flight back from Sarasota went well and it was kind of crazy when we flew directly over the mouth of the Cal-Sag river, which I had entered about a month earlier with the boat.  Two and a half weeks it took me to get from Chicago to Sarasota once I went in to the river that I was now flying over.  It only took two and a half hours this time...crazy.  It was cool though to look down and see Hammond harbor, the entrance to the Cal-Sag and the Chicago Skyway, one of the first bridges we went under.  How it seems like so long ago.

The first day of class today went well.  I scored the highest in my class on our 30 question "rules of the road" test that we will be taking at the start of each day.  I was pretty proud of myself for that.  I don't think I have ever been at the top of my class for anything.  There was always some nerd that aced everything.  Does this mean I'm a nerd now, because I scored the highest?  I'll make sure to do worse on tomorrows test.  I'm pretty excited for the class itself and my study book is opened to the navigational lights and day shapes and is sitting just behind the computer waiting for the completion of this blog entry.

Sound Waves Out

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