Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 11: Middle of Nowhere


Another good day, lots of miles, and not too long underway.  With a 4-5 knot following current all day I'd say we made pretty good time.  It was a boring day, no locks, not much traffic, just woods, no fishing boats, nothing...perfect lets burn some miles!
Our anchorage tonight is tucked in this tiny little side creek and it seems to be a very popular place.  We are joined by five other boats and a canoe...yes the kind you paddle.  We got in fairly early, for once, and rafted off with Mr. Chips.  We did a few projects on board, got everything cleaned up and then did the most logical thing to do at the time...went fishing.  We didn't catch a thing.  Duff and Bruce went back and forth on the guitar for awhile and Brady made us a great dinner.  After watching a little bit of tv it is well past my bed time at 8:30 PM.  Another first light departure tomorrow will take us south through the Mississippi before turning upstream on the Ohio river for about 50 miles then turning south on the Tennessee River.  Two of the slowest locks come tomorrow as well............great.

Sound Waves Out.

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