Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 4: The final preparation


Well this is it.  Tomorrow we leave for Hammond to fuel.  Let the trip begin.  It was a pretty casual day.  The last few days have been I guess.  While there was a lot to do we had a good group to distribute the work load which made life a lot simpler.  The owner of Sound Waves came down today and made sure that our to-do list stay plenty full while on the river...there is always something to do on a boat.  I guess I don't really know what to expect.  I am in charge...I guess.  While one of the crew members, Duffy, knows the inside and out of this boat and has fixed everything that has gone wrong with it over the past few years, I don't think he has done much boating.  On the other hand Bruce is a licensed 100 ton captain and has been doing this for years.  It is a great group don't get me wrong I am super excited.  I'm not worried about the group at all, I'm worried about me (don't tell my crew or the owner that (even though they will probably all read this eventually hah)).  There is a huge amount of responsibility on my shoulders.  No matter what happens, when it happens, who it happens to who, etc... I'm in charge and ultimately responsible.  S#!t.  I guess you could say this is a huge step for me, and while it is going to be a great experience, it is going to test me as a person and as a leader.  I have someones biggest investment of their life in my hands and it is my duty to deliver it under bridges through locks over logs past shoals and maybe a few alligators and in to Florida without getting a scratch on it.  I'm not nervous, I'm not scared.  Yes there is always respect for the seas.  This is going to be something I will never forget that is for sure, but am I ready?  I called Bruce today and he answered "Hello Captain Eric what can I do for you sir?".  Time to grow up.
On another note I bowled a 150 tonight with Jessie!  See ya in the morning!

Sound Waves Out

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