Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 13: A day of rest


After a late arrival last night it proved to be to our advantage to take today to provision, wash the boat, check over the engines and generators and relax a little... yes relax.
I slept in until 0800 got up walked around and laid back down until 0900.  We couldn't get the rental car until 1000 so I mean c'mon.  I had been up at 0500 for the last week I deserved it a little bit :-)
We went to a huge grocery store, supercenter Walmart, and stocked up for hopefully the rest of the trip.  Dan Duffy is a great cook and I simply set him loose in the store.  While we were gone Bruce said that he would start washing the boat.  Well he washed the whole thing, good man.  Chores have been getting done throughout the day and we will be ready to start fresh again tomorrow; clean boat, fresh crew, tons of food.

While many have done this trip before, and many will continue to, I sit back and realize what I am doing and yeah, its a big accomplishment for me.  I looked at the charts today and zoomed out so I could see our track starting from Chicago.  That was pretty sweet, over 600 miles so far in a week.  The crew hit a rhythm on day one and we haven't looked back.  I tried to help set fenders for a lock yesterday and I just got in the way. Everyone has fallen in to their place and no one is giving orders to anyone.  I thought that last summer working on Bonita made me grow up as a person, but that doesn't even compare now.  My mind is clear out here and it has to be.  I don't have someone to catch me if I make a bad decision.  And while that last statement is not entirely, literally true being that I have a great crew, the point is that I have this huge responsibility and I can't let other peoples needs, peer pressure, feelings, or impulses influence what I do.  Every decision has to be spot on, and while it has put some stress on me at times it has made me feel like a better person.  I said it in my "Day 4" post and I will say it again...Time to Grow up.  I am so excited for the next thing.  Thing is the best word I have, because I have no idea what it is.

Sound Waves Out

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