Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 24: Delivery Complete!


We came around the corner on the ICW and there it was...the city of Sarasota.  Only five more miles.  We woke up this morning with lazy on our mind.  I checked out the tide report and it was a perfect set up to navigate the shallow waters around Sarasota.  I made the decision, got everyone around, and we pulled away from the dock in Clearwater around 1100.  Local knowledge scared me from entering the two cuts in Sarasota and I decided to play it safe and go in to Tampa Bay and pick up the ICW and take that south in to Sarasota.  It was still a little scary and I'm glad we went through on high tide.  We were finally here.  Unbelievable.  And while the trip went so fast and we made such good time, I look back to a picture of us going under the Chicago Skyway and it seems like a lifetime ago.  I guess the title of this blog is starting to make more sense.  Jim Landis and Grace came down and met us for dinner, and while Grace had great plans to meet us with balloons and the whole works it was still great to see a familiar face and it was great company.

We accomplished something that, on the grand scheme of things, is no big deal.  Hundreds of people travel the river systems each season in their pleasure boats and while there are great stories and tragedy it is for the most part, a tranquil trip.  I don't know how to explain my emotions after turning the engines off at the dock today in Sarasota.  Relief?  Excitement? Anticipation?  Maybe a little sad that it was over?  Maybe it was a little bit of all of those rolled in to one.  My first trip down the river and I am proud to say I delivered someones biggest investment of their life 1,711.93 statute miles (1,521.72 nautical miles) safely and without problems.  Our biggest problem?...two small set screws on the bow thruster speed ring.  The stories tonight at dinner were all positive and while everyone on board got knocked one time or another for something "stupid" they did on the trip it was all followed with laughter.  I couldn't have asked for a better crew.  We were so automatic in everything that we did, whether it was at the dock, underway, meals, cleaning, or watching movies, we all found our place and kept the boat moving forward.  Tomorrow we will wash the boat, inside and out, do some projects, restock and prepare for the arrival of the owner.  It is time to switch gears.  Tomorrow we will get up and not have 100 miles ahead of us.  No engines will be fired, no shore power disconnected.  For the most part I am home until Christmas where I will then again switch gears and prepare to head for the Bahamas.

But really...thats still a lifetime away.

Sound Waves Out

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