Saturday, October 16, 2010

Day 16: Baby I got the Blues!


Lets start with this... Fog delay until 0920, Seven Locks, Saturday afternoon fishermen everywhere, ........still 92 miles!
We left the dock this morning after waiting for the thickest fog I've ever seen to lift.  A 75' Viking motor yacht was just out in front of us.  We got in to our first lock which was an 84' drop...amazing!  Pictures to come soon.  A little present from Sound Waves sealed our fate for the rest of the day.  All six locks for the rest of the day had their doors open and waiting for us.  They all received a little gift as well, the word was out and the river was open.  We blew by our planned stop just after noon and couldn't stop.  We followed our partner "Texas Tea" all the way to an anchorage near Aberdeen.  It was shallow coming in to the channel, but a little bit of mud never hurt, especially when you have another 75' boat that draws 6' to dredge the channel for you first.  To our surprise there is this blues festival going on right on shore.  I don't see a town, I don't see a building, I don't even know if they have out houses up there...but they are rockin'. Who would have thought that we would run in to this blues festival literally in the middle of now where on the river bank somewhere in Mississippi.  Welcome to the south...time to go rock a lil!!!

Sound Waves Out

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