Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 3: Organize and Relax


My last Saturday in Chicago for awhile was a fun one.  Some friends met up in Wrigleyville and it was another great night in Chicago, what a fun town.  Today was a fairly lazy day, especially when it came to boating.  I did go down to the boat and organized my quarters as well as a little bit around the boat.  I can say that I am finally moved in to Sound Waves, as before it was a lot of stuff just thrown in the room.  You can definitely feel fall around here but today was one of those pleasant fall days so it was nice.  The leaves are just starting to show some color and while I hope to follow the color down the river I think we will be just ahead of the color change.  The owner of the boat is coming down tomorrow for one last visit and to finish up any last minute tasks.  Bruce, one of the crewmembers, is taking the train from Holland to Chicago on Tuesday morning and as of this post we are on schedule to pull back from the docks at 1100 on Tuesday morning.  We are only going to Hammond to fuel and won't be on the rivers until Wednesday. Things are really going to start heating up soon!...Maybe not the weather though, that'll be a few weeks yet.

Sound Waves Out

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