Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 25: Work Work Work


I lied in yesterdays post.  We did fire the engines today.  We only moved the boat to another slip in the marina though, so I guess it still didn't really count.  I'm getting better at docking a boat though thats for sure.  I backed her into a 20' wide slip today.  The boat is 18' wide, some will tell you 18.5'.  Either way it was a tight fit and while it took me one and a quarter tries (I had to pull out three feet and spin the boat a little, thats where the 'and a quarter' part comes in) I pretty much nailed it!....WITHOUT USING MY THRUSTERS...DAD!!! (I lied, I tapped um once) :-)  
We got up, had breakfast and got to work.  The boat was due for a real good scrub as there was either salt water or diesel soot on every square inch of the boat.  It took us all day really.  We cranked through some other projects, cleaned and washed, did some more projects, cleaned and washed some more, then did a little more washing.  All in all the boat is almost ready for the owner tomorrow.  The outside is done and the inside isn't too far behind.  We have our arrival greetings and "presents" ready to go and are excited to see the owner tomorrow.  On another note we did send Bruce on his way today, and while it was sad to see him go, I know that we will run into each other soon enough.
I'm not sure if I will be writing every day like this now that the delivery is finished.  We will just be sitting in Sarasota until late December when we leave for the Bahamas.  If something interesting happens I will be sure to log it though thats for sure!

I tried to upload pictures.  I was having problems, I'll try again later.

Sound Waves Out

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