Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 8: 118 miles!


Finally a long day that consisted of more than just waiting.  I was up at 0500 this morning and it was still real dark.  We fired the engines around 0525 and were off the dock shortly after.  A few miles down the river we hit our first of two locks for the day.  A double cut down bound was just entering the lock...great.  Here we go again, another two hour wait and this time it was foggy.  The lock through went pretty quick though and we were on our way.  We have been seeing a lot of white pelicans and a lot of asian carp.  Those fish are crazy!
We hit Peoria, IL around 1500 and had to make a decision whether to stop or continue on 40 more miles.  We called the lock, they were almost ready to take a downbound lock, so we took it.  We ran hard when we could and did our best to save fuel.  We motored up behind Quiver Island just after dark on mile marker 121.  Tomorrow we are hoping to be at the mouth of the Mississippi River.  I caught the crud and am in desperate need of a good nights rest.  Brady is making everyone pizza tonight.  After that i'm going straight to bed.

Sound Waves Out

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