Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 27: HOT, sushi


Today was a normal day at the office....  Clean out the sumps, organize the engine room, change out the primary filters and switch them to aft, change fuel supply and return to aft, check the oil levels, put up the bimini top, launch the scooters, launch the tender, wash the starboard hull, move the boat...twice, talk to the harbor master about dockage, have lunch with "the guy who is going to get us what we need when we need it", and sit back and enjoy the sunset over a nice beer,... and then do a provision.  Oh, did I mention it was 90 today and "felt like" 96 with a humidity of 80%?
Bring it on baby!!! Bring on the heat!

After the coldest shower I could take I finally stopped sweating.  We went out to an amazing sushi place, Pacific Rim.  It was such an awesome atmosphere; very light "club/spa" music playing in the background.  The outdoor patio consisted of an alleyway turned to patio.  The lighting was almost like we were in an aquarium as blue rope lights lined the tented ceiling.  White drapes covered the walls of the building next to us, and flowing water could be heard, but only if you listened for it.  The sushi was the best I have ever had, and we will definitely be going back there.  That is saying a lot because I never really liked sushi.

A late night provision brings me back to the boat and my eyes slowly resist staying open more and more.  It was a long day and my hands and feet are starting to feel rough again as soaps, cleaners, and hot pavement show no mercy for soft skin.  I can hear the band playing at the marina restaurant nearby, and while it is tempting to go listen to a few songs over a drink my body gets heavier and heavier on the mattress as I write.  The computer screen may shut and my eyes will not be too far behind.  It was a hard day of work today, and even though the air feels comfortable on the skin now I know that tomorrow's heat will be here too soon.

Sound Waves Out

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