Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 9: Grafton, IL and a taste of the Mississippi


Another awesome day...122 miles!  And this time we got in before dark.  We had one lock today and the doors were open when we pulled up, perfect timing.  I was up at 0530 and i felt like crap.  My ears and nose were about to explode, and I couldn't swallow my own spit.  I had to get up though.  We weighed anchor around 0615 and were back in the channel by 0630.  It was another awesome day.  I haven't seen a cloud since I left Chicago and today it was hot!  I would say around 80.  It was business as usual, pizza for lunch and a big Spartan victory over unbeaten UofM.

We were only a mile or so away from the harbor when I saw Mr. Chips get tossed sideways ahead of me.  What the heck?  Then I saw it.  The first cut between an island that came from the mighty Mississippi River.  Wow was that current moving fast!  We came up to Grafton Marina and the turn to get in to the harbor was right in the strong current.  I took it slow, turned in the middle of the river, stayed even with the harbor entrance as best I could and let the current slowly walk the boat over to the entrance.  Our slip was just inside the wall and as I was coming in, my bow was out of the current but the stern was still in the current.  This got my attention and threw me off a little bit but I took everything slow and was able to get to the dock alright.  It was cool to finally feel a really strong current under the boat and feel the boat respond to different actions from me and the current.
The most important part of today is that we are exactly where we wanted to be, today.  We lost an entire day right off the bat and I am proud to say that over the past two days we have made it up and are right back on track!  Go crew!  Tomorrow we hit the mighty Mississippi River and head south through St. Louis!  For now its time to have a little bit of fun in ole Grafton Illinois!

Sound Waves Out

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